Chapter 23

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"So how does it feel to be a mommy?" I asked Kelly as she held on to my nephew. "I barely get any sleep but I love it. It's the best feeling in the world." She explained. "Yes now I'm ready to drop these twins."

"Girl hush you have a couple more weeks."

I sighed. "My body is tired. I can't take no more of this." I rubbed my stomach.

"It's ok boo. It will all be over in a minute. Just be patient." I just wanted to cry. "I don't want any more kids after this. I promise you that."

I kissed Kelly and my nephew goodbye. I have been exhausted from being pregnant, working and being a mother. I only sit down and take calls all day but my hormones be up through the roof.

"Hey babe, I miss you." I kissed King then made my way up to the bedroom. Mady was sleeping peacefully and King was downstairs preparing dinner. I'm fighting to get comfortable on the bed. My feet are swollen, and they hurt.

King came upstairs with a plate and a cup. "Thank you." I grabbed the plate of lemon pepper wings and water. I have stopped drinking sodas and eating spicy foods while pregnant.

King was back with his food and we stayed up watching Netflix. I was done eating and just wanted to sleep. I couldn't get comfortable once again. I started to cry.

"What's wrong with you." King gave me all of his attention. "I'm tired of being pregnant. I'm frustrated. I'm tired. I'm exhausted. I'm tired."

"Okay you said that already. Calm down babe. You only have a couple more weeks. You can get through this." He tried his best to keep me calm but I was hurting more.

"I JUST WANT IT TO BE OVER. I CAN'T DO THIS ANYMORE." I yelled. He came closer to me and wrapped his arms around me. "Don't touch me. Just don't touch me." I pushed his hands off of me. "Okay I'll just leave you alone." He starts to make his way towards the door making me more mad. "King don't leave. I'm sorry! You just don't know how I'm feeling."

"Yes I do because you take it out on me. I know you're tired but I'm tired too. I work 12 or 13 hours a day. I got less hours for you since I know you can go into labor at anytime. I try to help you with Mady. I cook. I clean. I pay most of the bills plus more. You still don't appreciate me. What more do you want?"

"You're right. It's just the pregnancy. Forgive me bae. Don't walk out on me this time."

"I wasn't going anywhere. I was going downstairs."

"No stay with me. Help me get comfortable. I'm tired and it's getting late." I let King wrap his arms around me. I was still uncomfortable but I was next to him so it felt good.


I woke up to the smell of food. That just meant King was downstairs cooking. That was good for me since I woke up hungry.

I met him in the kitchen. Mady was in her bouncer looking like she was having fun. Every time I see a smile on my baby's face it makes me smile. "What are you cooking?" I walked over to the stove. "Breakfast. Now go sit down somewhere. Get off your feet." King looked like one of those bad boys but he was really a good person. I love him because he's always here even after I give him all of my hormones. "Okay I'll go in the living room." I sat down resting my feet.

"Hello." I answered my phone that had started vibrating in my pocket. "Hey girl, you want to come meet me somewhere later?" The voice sounded so familiar but I couldn't figure out who it was. "Who is this?"

"It's Chastity." I knew the voice sounded familiar. "What? Yeah or you can come to me. I have my own place now." I explained. "Coolness..send me your address." I was happy about finally talking to her. Last I heard she had moved back home but I'm guessing she's back now.

"Who was that?" King acting all concerned. "My friend." I put the biggest smile on my face.

"Don't play with me." He tried to take my phone. "King stop..its nobody." I can't believe this nigga really fighting me for my phone. "King stop.." I yelled. "Lexis give me the damn phone." I just decided to let it go. He started going through my phone as if I had something to hide. "You're know that?"

"Yeah crazy about you. I don't play that hiding stuff in the phone."

"Well let me see your phone." I held my hand out. "For what? I'm not hiding nothing."

"Well let me see your phone then." He reached in his pocket and handed me his phone.

"You think you slick. What's the password?"

"You know my password."

I folded my arms. "No the hell I don't. I never went through your phone lil' buddy." He just smiled at me. "It's the same as yours."

"Aww, it's Mady's birthday?" I unlocked his phone seeing me and Mady as his background picture. I went right for his messages. I was number one on the list but I scrolled down seeing who else he's been texting.

That bitch Chocolate. I clicked on her name reading everything they have been talking about. He just told her he couldn't see her anymore anymore. That he was happy where he was. He also told her that he have his own family and that he don't want to ruin that and that he is getting married soon. He also said that she shouldn't text or call him anymore and that she was going on his block list. I was happy that he said that. He really didn't have any other messages except from Kelly, his mom and Mr. Jason. I clicked on his name to see what they have been talking about.

"Here. I know you hungry." King handed me a plate of food. I put his phone down on the table and started to eat. "Did you find what you was looking for?"

"Yeah I did." I gave him a kiss and started back eating. I felt like we were back on good terms. I can't wait to see how things turn out once the twins are here.

King and Mady joined me in the living room. "Are you off today?" I asked.

"Yep I'm off. I might go play basketball in a minute."

"Oh well I might have company. Chasity is back in town. That's who called me."

"Okay well you have fun with that."

"I love you King."

"I love you too Lexis." We kissed again then we enjoyed our family time together.

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