Chapter 31

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"Are you sure you're cool with handling the kids by yourself?"

"Yes King. I can handle my own kids." I kissed him good bye. I was holding Kayson since he always seem to be up. Kai is sleeping and Mady is watching her favorite cartoons.

I was well relaxed. The door bell went off and I had no idea who could be here. I got up still holding on to Kayson to open the door.

"Danny, what are you doing here?"

"I'm sorry for popping up like this. Just came to see Mady."

"Why didn't you call first?"

"No phone."

I just let him come in. "She's in the living room watching tv." He went in the living room taking a seat next to Mady. Even though she is barely paying him any attention she know Danny is her father. I took a seat on the other couch watching him take Mady in his arms.

"You know this was suppose to be me and you?"

"Well you fucked that up."

"I know but why do you have to bring up the past?"

"Because you are the past"

"Don't act like that Lexis. I apologized to you. Not that it even matter since I heard you're getting married." The look on his face made me feel bad. I know he hurt me but the way my heart is set up made me want to think about the way I did him. I was throwing King up in his face and but only because I wanted him to see what a real man looks like.

"Well I still love you no matter what. That's why I got you pregnant on purpose." I laughed.

"How did you do that?"

"What do you mean. How else do you think babies are made?"

"You're an idiot."

"But this idiot got you pregnant."

I stood up. "GET OUT!!!! I don't need this negativity around me. LEAVE NOW!!! I hate you." He laughed at me. "I still won right? I had you. I got you pregnant."

"No you lost because you got me pregnant don't mean a thing. I got something better. He got me pregnant too...with twins. We're getting married. King get the hell out of my house."

"Okay I'll leave but I'll be back for my daughter." He left out slamming the door.

I'm glad that Kai didn't wake up since she's grumpy. I can't deal with Danny at all. I need him to stay away from me.

I got me and my kids together so that we could hang out. I didn't know where we were going but I had called up Meka since she wanted to hang out but I had told her I had the kids. She didn't care though she just wanted to hang with her sister.

Meka horn sounds letting me know she's here. I carried the twins out to her car strapping them in. I then carried Mady out to the car strapping her in as well. I made sure I had everything I needed including the Twins' stroller and baby bags. I got in the car happy to see my sister. "Sorry I couldn't help you. I'm big as a house." My sister's pregnant belly is so cute. I'm just proud that she was able to have a child on her own. "You look so beautiful." She smiled. "Thank you. You have to thank Harmony for that." I smiled knowing that my sister was having a girl. "Can't wait to meet my niece."

"I wanted you and the kids to come to my house. Maybe you can help me get Harmony's room together."

"You want me to help you? You know I'm down for that." I have never been to Meka's new house but I heard the house was pretty damn big. My sister have so much going for herself. I just wished that I could've went to college and did something with my life but having three small kids is not easy.

When pulled up to a gated home. I watched my sister as she put in her code to get through the gate. "Oh my god Meka. Your house is beautiful."

"No wait until you see the inside." She bragged. I didn't care though because she deserved it. Me and my siblings have been through enough. We had made it through the struggle.

My phone started vibrating in my pocket while I got my kids out of the car. Whoever it was could wait. I was in a good mood except for King was going out of town with some friends. That mean I was going to be at home by myself with my kids.

Meka wasn't lying though because the inside of her house was indeed amazing. "You can lay the kids down in my guest room boo." That car ride had put my babies out. Them being sleep gave me enough time to spend with my sister and to help her with her baby's room.

My phone vibrated again, this time pulling my phone out my pocket to see King calling me on FaceTime. I quickly answer before he hang up. "Babe..Hey." I smiled happily seeing my fine ass fiancé. "What's up? Where you at?"

"I'm at Meka's house. She want me to help her with something."

"Oh cool. You know I'll be back Friday. I can't wait to marry you on Saturday."

"Me either. I can't believe this is really happening man. Oh my god..I can't wait until you see my dress."

"You know I can't wait to see you. I just wanted to let you know we had touched down. Where are my kids?"

"Their sleep.."

"Well I got to go. Love you!!"

"Love you too!!"

"Okay are you ready now?" I turned around looking at my sister. "Yes let's do this." We sat in her living room making plans about how we wanted the room to look. The colors and what we needed to put in there. "I was thinking purple and yellow." I agreed to get colors, most people always do pink. "So I'll need some purple paint. A light color..maybe lavender so it won't be so dark."

"Girl you don't need me. You got this on your own."

"Yeah but still I want you to listen to my plans. I have to get Tony to paint the walls." I looked all confused. "Who is Tony?" She laughed. "My boyfriend."

"Oh I didn't know his name."

"Well he's working tonight and won't be off until the morning. You and the kids can stay here tonight. Please, I don't want to be alone." I agreed to stay.

We continued to plan out the babies room and caught up on some things. "Thank you baby know I got you. I have to get you a new car. I just hope you be careful this time,"

"I will..I promise."

Ok I admit I'm a little spoiled. My family and King's family get me whatever I want. "Are you ready for this wedding this weekend?"

"Yes but I'm a little nervous. It's even weird that we have to share our wedding but we plan to have our own a few years from now."

"It's going to be fine. Y'all rehearsed so everything will be just fine." She was right but I can't even believe I'm getting married. I knew I wanted to but not this early in my life. I had plans. I just got my family and a husband a little to soon but I wouldn't trade them for nothing in the world.

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