Chapter 22

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"How is everything with my brother." Kelly asked. "Girl, it's good. Oh my god, your brother is the bomb in the bed." She laughed. "You still be having sex. Girl I don't be in the mood. My body be so sore and this lil baby is stubborn. He need to come out." She rubbed her stomach. "I will never be sexy after this. These stretch marks are ugly." She showed me her stomach. "Eww, you have the darkest stretch marks. I don't have any." I teased. "Not yet you don't. The twins haven't stretched you out yet. You lucky."

"Girl what? I'm way bigger with the twins than I was with Mady. I just keep my stomach moisturized. It be itching like hell."

"Yeah I been scratching mine." I shook my head.

"Well that's why." I said. We were putting the rest of the decorations up. Today Kelly was having her second baby shower. This time her whole family was coming as well as her friends and the rest of her people who I never got the chance to meet. I'm tired. I came early this morning to help her get prepared. I couldn't wait for everyone to come. "Are you hungry? I know you are. You're eating for three." Kelly had cooked some shrimp spaghetti while we were putting up decorations. "Yes I am. I have to try to keep this food down. I have been throwing up lately." I'm mad my sickness was coming back but my doctor said everything is fine. "It's ok. I hope the food stay down. Here." She handed me my plate of food and we just talked. "I'm happy everything is back to normal. Well it's almost back to normal."

"Yeah me too." I started to eat my food. It was good. "You know my dad came back." I was shocked. "What? Mr. Jason came back?" She explained his reason for coming back after so many months. "Well I have to avoid him." I explained. I knew for a fact that Mr. Jason didn't like me and I wasn't going to force us to get alone. "Girl forget him. You're pregnant with my brother's kids. Y'all are in engaged and living together. He'll have to deal with it." I was nervous. If he's back that mean he will be at the shower later. My heart was pounding in my chest but I couldn't let Kelly know that. "Trust me everything will be fine. He's not ruining my day."

I was done eating. I was helping set up the table with the food and the drinks. I can't wait until I have the twins baby shower.

We showered got ready for people to come over. I had to feel pretty today. It wasn't my shower but Kelly's family is coming. I want them to think I had it just like Kelly do. Kelly's family is rich and I'm just regular. The only person who have money like that is Meka. She have hair salons everywhere. She have her own hair products and all of that stuff.

I did my hair in some loose wands. I had my make up did. I agreed that I would wear a dress with Kelly. I just wore a red back out dress and some black Sandals. Good thing I went and got my toes did the day before.

People starting arriving and I was nervous. I was happy about meeting some of their family but I'm hoping her family like me.

There were people everywhere. It's good thing that Kelly's house was big enough for everybody to fit. "Are you Alexis?" I woman asked. She was really pretty. She had some really pretty red hair. Her skin was smooth with no wrinkles. She was dressed in a white classy like dress and heels. "Yes I am." I smiled at the woman. "Aw it's a pleasure to meet you. I'm Kelis. Kia's mom." She hugged me and I hugged her back. "I've heard so much about you my dear." I hugged her back. She seemed really nice to me. I was hugging Kelly's grandma and she didn't look like a grandma at all. I want to say she looked like she was in her mid 20s or early 30s. "It's nice to meet you too." I said happily. That's when Kelly walked up to us. "I see you met my glam-ma" She said hugging her and kissing her on the cheek. "Yes..she so pretty." Kelis had the biggest smile on her face. "Where's your brother?" She asked. "He's at work but he should be here soon." She explained. Kelis has went her separate way while me and Kelly stood in the same spot to talk. "Girl your grandma look good."

"Girl don't she. We have some really good genes."

"What's up Kelz?" Kelly had the biggest smile on her face seeing JB here. They started kissing which meant that's my key to leave. I went into the kitchen seeing Mr. Jason standing at the stove. He had seen me but I hurried off back into the living room. He followed behind me but I pretended not to hear him. "Alexis wait." He deep voice roared over the music. I finally stopped running when I bumped into King. "What you running for?" He looked confused.

"Cause I seen you coming. I wanted to meet you at the door." I lied.

"What you doing here?" King asked Mr. Jason who finally met up with me. "I'm back. I wanted to make things right." He said.

"Back for what? We don't need you. You shouldn't have left the first time. Now step." I wanted to laugh but I felt bad. I guess he felt bad too. "Just let me explain." He said but King wasn't trying to hear it. He walked off pulling me with him. "You didn't have to be so mean to him." I said. "Girl he can't disrespect us and expect us to forgive him. He always fucking up man. We don't have time for this. I don't care about him. He not my real daddy." I didn't want to talk about it anymore. "Let's just enjoy your sister's baby shower. Oh and your grandma was looking for you." He seemed happy when I said that. He left me so u guess he went to go look for her.

"Hey girl." It was Ivory. "Hey boo. I miss you." I hugged her. My whole crew was here. "Where's Mady." She asked. "With her Daddy. He wanted her today so he got her. Where's your baby?"

"Same. He's with his daddy. You're looking big these days."

I started to enjoy myself. Everything turned out good. I was just happy to be here. It was all smiles on Kelly's and JB's face as they were opening up gifts for their baby. I couldn't wait to have my shower.

When me and King got home we laid in the bed to watch movies. I was tired since I had got up early this morning to help Kelly. "I love you." He started kissing me all over my neck. "I love you too but you're not getting none tonight."

"What I don't want none. I just want to kiss you." I kissed him on his lips. "I'm about to take my fat pregnant ass to sleep." I rolled over and wrapped my hands around him. I felt his hand touch my belly. "They moving." He said happily. "Yeah they always do that." I said. "Shut up bra. They moving for me. They hear daddy's voice. He pulled up my dress and started to kiss on my stomach. He was so cute. "I can't sleep if you're doing all this." I said. "Well you're not getting no sleep."

"I have to. I have to work tomorrow."

He wasn't listening to a word I was saying. He just wanted to play with my stomach. I just let him continue what he was doing. This moment was so precious.

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