Chapter 16

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I wake up and check my phone right away. I received tons of text messages and missed calls. I checked Danny's message first seeing that he wanted to get together. I texted back letting him know that fine and I'll be over his place around 3. I got a text from Ivory too letting me know that she had been in Florida on vacation and that's why I haven't seen her. Kelly texted me too thanking me again for coming to the baby shower. I also had messages from other people as well. I read most of them but didn't respond. I just wanted to eat. I don't know what I want to eat but I knew carrying twins is hard work. I didn't even tell King about the twins and I'm not going to.

I walk in the kitchen seeing that somebody had already cooked. Pancakes, sausage, eggs and bacon was on the menu. "Good morning Lex." My brother said looking like he's having a good day. "Good morning!" I said with the biggest smile on my face. "Why are you so happy?" I was not really happy but I have not seen my brother in a long time since he came and got me that night. "I'm just happy to come down to this breakfast here." I fixed my plate and heated it up in the microwave. "Girl your appetite have picked up. You better slow down before you be 600 pounds." I laughed at his joke. "I'll never allow myself to get that big. I have to eat you know or I'll starve to death."

"You eat all day. I haven't seen you eat that much since you were pregnant." He was right. I didn't tell him that I am indeed pregnant but I know I had to. My stomach was growing everyday. You just couldn't tell since I had s baby already and I still have my fat gut. ", you're going to be an uncle all over again."

"What!! You're pregnant? How far?" I couldn't tell if he was excited or upset. I'm just happy about getting the news out. The first time I was scared but this time I felt better about revealing my pregnancy. "Congrats on that. I'm pretty sure you're going to be the best mother for both kids."

"You mean all 3 kids. I'm having twins."

"That's a handful but I know you can do it. You know me and Kelly are always here." I shook my head. "Yes I know and I love the both of you. Always here when I need you." I got up from the table to hug my brother again. "Love you sis..see you tonight when I get off work." I walked Chris to the door closing it behind him. I put my dishes in the sink then walked in the living room to watch a little tv. A envelope and a piece of paper on out living room table caught my attention.

Just in case you want to go out and have a little fun or maybe go shopping for a few maternity clothes. You could just want to hang with your friends. I left you some money. Have fun today girly. You deserve it.


I picked up the envelope. I didn't know how much money she put in here but this envelope was fat. I opened it pulling out some fresh $100 dollar bills. I was shocked to find that she really left me this much money. I counted it find in out that it's $1,000 dollars. "Well thank you Megan." I said to myself. I sat the money on the table and tuned in some show on the tv.

I looked at the time on my phone seeing that it was already 2'o clock. I told Danny that I would be at his house at around 3. I ran upstairs to take my shower and get myself ready for whatever was going on today. I just put on something simple. A purple sundress with some white sandles. I flat iron my hair, did my make up and grabbed my white Michael Kors purse and all my stuff in it.

I grabbed me a bottled water from our refrigerator and headed out to my car. I still can't believe I'm driving my own car. It still felt unreal. I called Danny letting him know I was on my way. "Hello." I heard his deep voice rumble through the phone. "I'm getting ready to come to your house." I was actually happy about coming to see him. It had been so long since I've been at house. It would feel so weird being there. "Okay cool. I'm hear waiting for you. " I could tell he was smiling. If he wasn't it sure sounded like he was.

I rung the door bell to Danny's house. I put the biggest smile on my face as I seen the door swing open. Once I realize it wasn't Danny my smile turned into a frown. "Um...Hello!!! Who are you?" The girl was so rude. "I'm hear to see Danny." I said. The girl had rolled her eyes. "What are you? One of his hoes?" I wanted to hit that girl so bad but I knew since I'm pregnant there was no fighting going on. "NO!!" I was really irritated. "So is Danny hear or not?" I already knew that he was since I seen his car in his drive way and I had just got off the phone with him. The girl rolled her eyes again. This bitch must be on her period.

"Daniel, some girl is down here for you." She finally let me in. I just stood at the door waiting for Danny to show me his face. "You can sit if you want." The girl said but I paid her no attention. She smacked her teeth. "I hate rude bitches" She mumbled under her breath.

That's when I've had enough. I grabbed the girl by her pony tail pulling her back making her fall to the floor. I couldn't stop myself from punching her in the face multiple time until I seen her nose and mouth bleeding. "I bet you're not talking shit now."

"Alexis, are you Ok?" I realize what was going on wasn't real. Danny's voice had brought me back to reality. "Ye-Yeah I'm Ok." He was staring in my eyes. "Are you sure?"

"Yes, I'm okay I promise."

"Well let's go up to my room for a while. I won't try anything." I followed Danny down the hall to his room. "Who's the girl that came to the door?" I asked taking a seat on his bed. "Oh that's just Renae. She's my cousin." He explained how she had to come live with them because she her mom is on drugs and have abandoned her. That explains why her attitude is so bad. "Where's my baby?" Danny asked. "She's at Kelly's house. Her mom is on vacation from work so she wanted to watch her this weekend."

"That's cool. That just give us some time to be alone." I smiled at his comment. He is so cute. I was actually starting to gain feelings for him again but I wanted to keep my distance. Not ready for a relationship. Not yet.

"Do you have an idea where you want to go tonight." I had explained that I wanted to see a movie. I just wanted to sit down, eat some snacks and just watch a movie. "Girl we can do that here."

"I guess you're right. What do you want to do?" I really haven't been going out. I try to stay off my feet since being pregnant with twins has its consequences. "We can go to the mall do a little shopping. Then maybe come back and watch that movie you was talking about." I agreed that it's ok with me. He had changed from his basketball shorts to a pair of POLO sweat pants. Then he put a white t-shirt on top of his tank top and then slid his feet into some POLO slippers. "Really Danny? That's what you're wearing?" He looked down at his outfit. "There's nothing wrong with what I'm wearing. You could've came in your pajamas for all I care but that dress is okay with me. Mady made you thick." I got up hitting him with my purse. "Shut up." I giggled and I felt Danny's arms go around my waist. "I've missed you so much Lexis. If I could do anything to rewind everything that happened between us I would. You were my queen. I just had to fuck up and get involved with..." I stopped him from speaking. "It's ok Danny. I forgave you a long time ago." I looked in his eyes seeing them water up. My heart was all over the place. "I love you!" Danny said before placing his lips on mine. I didn't stop him. Instead I put my arms around his neck kissing him back.

I pulled my self away. "I love you too but I don't think it's right."

"What why not?"

"It's just not." I started to feel bad again. Even though we're not together or anything, I felt like I was cheating. I wanted to cry so bad but I held it in. "Well let's just go to the mall then. I'll buy you whatever you want." We headed out to the car. "This your ride?" He asked happily. "Yep, how about I drive us to the mall?" He agreed that I could and we headed out to the mall.

.....Picture Of Danny Above

A/N: Thanks to everyone who read my stories and comment on them letting me know that they enjoy my stories. I'm going to put their mall run in the next chapter.

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