Chapter 9

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I woke up to tiny hands touching my face. It was my baby and my soon to be husband staring down at my face. "Hey baby." I grabbed Mady in my arms sitting up offering King a seat next to me. "How was school?"

"It was cool. Your lil friends were looking for you but I told Em you was sick. Ivory told me to tell you she was coming over."

"Oh I'm just so tired and my head is killing me." I complained. "You need to go see a doctor or something. I can't have you around here like this." If only he knew why but I wasn't ready to tell him yet. I felt selfish for not telling him but I was just to afraid too. "You're right. I'm going to go in the morning. I can't keep walking around here like this. Mady depends on her mommy.

Ivory had texted me to let me know she was outside. "King can you open the door please." I was just to lazy to even get up. I still felt like shit. I was hoping all of this would die down soon.

Ivory ran up to me. "I'm so happy to see you. How you feeling baby?" She asked. She put her hand on my forehead. "Girl you're warm. Are you sure you're ok?"

"Yes I'm ok. Now stop acting weird and sit your ass down." King had left us downstairs to talk. "So I'm guessing you didn't tell him about..?" She pointed to my stomach. " I'm going to tell him when I'm ready."

"That's so selfish. Tell that damn boy you're having his kid." I felt selfish but I didn't care. This was my body, my baby and King is my fiancée so I'll tell him when I'm ready. I'm grown so now I make my own decision.

"I don't care about that Ivory. I'll tell him when I'm damn ready to tell him."

"I know these are the hormones talking so I'm going to let you slide this time but you are being selfish not telling him what's going on with you."

"Just leave then. Good bye Ivory." I walked towards the door letting her know she can leave. I grabbed my baby and my phone and headed upstairs.

"Ivory gone already?"

"Yes she is. I told her to leave."

"Lexis why, she's the only friend you have at that damn school. She seems to care about you a lot."

"Well..." I shrugged taking a seat down on the bed. "I don't know what's wrong with you but you have been acting so funny lately. I can't even touch you anymore. It's like you're so distant now."

"Maybe I don't want to be bothered so leave me alone." King grabbed his keys and left. I didn't care because I really didn't want to be bothered. I just wanted to spend time with my daughter. We both laid in bed and I watched her as she slept. It felt good to be a mom even though it's a little hard. I enjoy every bit of it.

"Hey boo." Ms.Kia walked in the room with the biggest smile on her face. I stopped what I was doing to sit up to give her all of my attention. She came and took a seat on the bed.

"I tried to call King but he's not answering. So I thought I'll talk to you. I have gotten you and King a two bedroom Condo." She pulled 2 pair of keys from her purse handing it over to me. I was shocked and didn't know what to say. I just sat here with a smirk on my face. "Say something girl." As soon ask started to say something I got that feeling in my throat. I ran to the bathroom throwing up my guts for like the 40th time today. "Lexis, are you Ok?"

"Yes, I'm fine. I just ate some bad pizza so now I have a stomach bug."

"Are you sure that's what it is?" I didn't want to lie to Ms.Kia but I wasn't ready to reveal my pregnancy to her just yet.

"Yes, that's what it is. I'm not going back to the pizza joint anymore."

"Please don't. We can't have you walking around like this."

I sighed. "I'm so tired."

"Well you get you some sleep. I'm off work tomorrow so I'll talk to you in the morning."

I laid up under my daughter. I was very comfortable and now I would be able to sleep.

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