Chapter 12

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I felt so miserable. I can't believe me and King broke up. I checked my phone every two minutes hoping that he would call me but nothing. I received calls from everybody else but I didn't want to talk to them. Back to back calls came from Kelly and Ivory but I didn't want to be bothered. I even got rid of Mady who was now spending time with her father.

I balled up in bed letting tears leave my eyes. I felt butterflies in my stomach bug I paid them no attention. It hurt more to know that I was carrying his child but it hurt more that he doesn't know about his child. My tears were now flowing like the ocean and all I know what that I wanted everything to go back to the way they wore.

I heard footsteps coming towards my room making me jump up. I wiped my tears. "King is that you."

"Girl no. It's me." I saw Kelly walking up towards me. "And me." Ivory trailed behind.

"What are y'all doing here?"

"You wasn't answering your damn phone so my big pregnant ass had to come check up on you. You look a fucking mess."

"I feel a mess. My head hurts and I'm pregnant and I'm going to be single for ever and I'll never be happy and..." I started to cry.

"Stop crying it's going to be ok boo. I promise. Come sit down." Ivory grabbed my hand forcing me to sit on the bed. "You are to damn pretty to be crying. How about we go out somewhere? Maybe for lunch since you both are pregnant."

I knew that's what I needed. I needed sometime away from the house. Maybe that will keep my mind off of everything that was going on.

"Now you go get cute. We'll wait for you in the living room."

I showered and got myself together. My hair was pulled up in a bun. I put on my black and blue fitted dress that I had bought just last week. Then my blue converse and my personal hygiene products. Along with some earrings. I looked down at my left hand seeing that I was still wearing my ring. I slid the ring off my finger and put it on my dresser. I grabbed my purse and headed to the living room.

"I'm ready." I grabbed my friends attention who were both staring at me. "You look cute. This is how you supposed to look." Ivory had kissed me on my cheek. "Now put a smile on your face. You're beautiful. BNever forget that. By the way, I see your baby bump." I now had the biggest smile on my face. All of my confidence was coming back.

We decided to go eat at this new Italian restaurant they just built. It was very fancy looking on the inside but the prices were right.

Our waiter walked up with a basket of garlic bread and asked us what we wanted to drink. I was to busy looking at the menu so I barely paid him any attention. "I'll just have a cup of water." I said still glancing at the menu. "Make that 3 waters." I heard Ivory's voice. "I don't want no damn water." Kelly snapped. "You're drinking water Kelly. It's good over you." I looked at them both trying not to feel embarrassed. Even though I knew how Kelly was, I still felt like this was not a place for a show. "Shh come on guys. Three waters pl.." I couldn't even finished my sentence.

It seems like everywhere I went, there was DJ. My ex who broke up with me for no reason after giving me a ring. "Hey Alexis..." He said making my heart beat faster. I had to admit he was looking way better than I remembered. "Hey DJ." Voice sounded shaky since I was so nervous.

"Can we get those waters please. No time for family reunions." DJ broke his gaze off me and walking away making me assume he was getting a water. Ivory's eyes were gazing at me. "Who was that." I said nothing. I bit into the garlic bread. "This is so good. Want a piece?"

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