Ezra's first letter.

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Dear me,

Before I start I want to tell you why I'm writing this; I don't fucking know.

It's just her. She makes me feel all these ways that I've never felt before. She's just enchanting, she is a fairytale. She reminds me of everything I've never known but always wanted. And her eyes.. Her goddamn beautiful eyes are sparkling stars, flourishing with fire and wisdom. A deep heat glow is always covering the outerlining of her lips. I'm captivated by her very existence. She's not a girl people write lovesongs or books about. There just isn't a beautiful ballad written for those of her kind. All the love songs and poems were only for the girls with skin like porcelain compared to pearls, and eyes in which you can see the skies. These aesthetics are solely written, for those who are blind.
Her hair isn't like silk, and nor is she sweet or soft. But her body screams power. And her mind is hard like a rock. She's just magnificently beautiful, despite all what society likes. She's not a tall blonde bombshell, nor a mysterious brunette. She isn't what people would call an angel, never innocent or as pure as snow. She is magically beautiful, and she doesn't need society, or me, to tell her so.
She's the reason my friend, she's the reason for my very existence. I went to her house yesterday, not knowing what I was doing there. I sat on her steps, soaked by the rain. I was constantly thinking how wrong I was for going there. But then she came. Everything vanished. The only thing that was still there was my heart's longing for her, for her soul and her lips. Instead of sending me back to Radley, or calling Eddie, she asked me in. And she listened to me. Not like the psychiatrists or nurses, analyzing me like I am some sort of animal, like they are looking to find something else that's wrong with me. She listened like I was a human being. Like I was equal to her. I think she can be it, she can be the solution to my mind, heart and soul. She can be the medication I need, one that'll actually work. She, she can make me happy.

Escape (Ezria)Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin