7. The Kahn Game

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It had been a week since I ended it with Ezra, it felt like it had been double the time I was away from this little town. I fixed the strap of my strappy black heel. I felt awful, I felt more awful every single day. Spencer had noticed that and instead of asking me what was wrong, she decided I needed a night out. We needed a night out. I put on my leopard coat, Spencer was already at the door. We walked out of her house onto the dark streets of Rosewood, in my book I would say shy streets, but at night Rosewood just wasn't shy. We already had a few drinks while watching a soppy movie at Spencer's. We were walking down the streets laughing, loudly, not that we noticed that, or cared for that matter. 'Oh my god, remember the time Han and Em wanted to watch a horror movie, so they chose slenderman and we were so scared that we started calling him Slendi-Bae to make it less scary' Spencer laughed. I laughed hard at the memory of it, 'How could I forget!' I laughed, while wiping tears away. I wrapped my arms around my best friend 'Spence I missed you.' I smiled. 'I missed you too' she smiled back. We arrived at a building which had big pink letters above the door that read: ''THE KAHN GAME'' I looked at Spencer surprised, she raised her eyebrow and smirked. We walked in, it was busy, loud music was playing and people were dancing, simply having a good time. I started feeling the music through my body, and dancing while waiting to hang my coat away. Once we did that we walked towards the dance floor that lit up at the sound of the music. We danced, laughed, drank. Then Spencer bended over to me to whisper something in my ear. 'That dude is totally checking you out' She said. I looked over my shoulder to meet eyes with a young lad, clearly on the hunt. I turned back to Spence, 'gross' I giggled. I then went on to say; 'the dude next to you is constantly trying to take a glimpse of your boobs' I said while smiling. 'Well if he finds them he can let me know' She laughed. I spat out my drink of laughter. People looked at us strangely. I wiped my mouth. 'Come on,' Spencer said and we walked towards the bar. 'What can I get you ladies?' We heard a familiar voice. We turned our heads, three pair of eyes raised eyebrows. 'NOEL?' 'SPENCER AND ARIA?' we laughed. He lay his eyes on me. 'It has been a long few years' he mumbled. 'two water please' Spencer said. 'No, I want a vodka soda.' I said. 'Aria, you have to keep it down with the drinks, your tiny body can't handle much alcohol' Spencer said like a mother. Noel was already on his way to get us water. I sighed. 'My feet are hurting' I complained. 'Sit down then' Spencer said while pointing at the bar stool behind me. I jumped on it. Noel got to us with the drinks. He handed them over and Spencer paid him. I took a sip, I smirked at him when I tasted the vodka. He winked at me. 'Let's dance,' Spencer grabbed my hand. 'No, you dance, I'm fine here' I insisted. 'okay then..' Spencer said as she lifted her shoulders. She then bended towards me and looked me in the eye 'don't let that stupid guy of yours who makes things complicated ruin your awesome life' she said. I smiled. She then went to the dancefloor. She was still okay with me not telling who he was, I would have to tell her someday, I wanted to tell her someday. I just couldn't. I played with the ice cubes in my empty glass. 'Does this beautiful lady want a refill?' I looked up. The young lad from earlier was staring at me, I could smell the overpowering scent of tequila. 'No thank you.' I said to him, trying to tell him off. 'Are you sure? Not even from a psychedelic teddybear like me?' he put his arm around me. I could smell his sweat. I put on a disgusted face. 'No, get off of me' I said. He pulled his arm away, and raised his hands up like surrender. 'Okay then.. lame bitch' he said. I flinched. 'OOHH BURN' a few friends of his had come to stand around me. Normally, I wouldn't know what to say or do, I would just be paralyzed but all that vodka had given me courage. The guy was still standing close, before I could blink I had slapped him in the face, hard. People looked our way. He almost tumbled over, that's how drunk he was. A friend of his stepped in for him. 'You're going to regret this' he said. He walked up to me, I was trying to vanish. How could I have been so stupid?! There was no escape for me. He pushed me off my bar stool, I tumbled backwards and fell with my head on the ground. I didn't have the energy to stand up again. I heard people gasping and screaming, like a murder just happened. Next thing I know is Spencer standing beside me screaming for help, a strong pair of arms picked me up and carried me to the kitchen behind the bar, this club was a lunch café during the day. It wouldn't surprise me if there had been a burlesque bar in the basement that only horny, creepy guys knew about. The arms that belonged to Noel put me on the counter. 'Don't worry, the guys are being escorted out.' He said. I just gazed at the floor. A silence fell. Spencer was holding my hand. 'Aria what happened?' she asked. 'this guy assaulted me so I slapped him and his friend pushed me' I mumbled, in my head I sounded clear. However, I didn't in theirs. 'She has had too much to drink, I'll take her home, watch her please while I get our coats' Spencer said to Noel. I didn't have the energy to protest. Noel nodded. Spencer walked out. 'Why are you crying?' Noel asked me. I looked up surprised, till then I hadn't even felt the salty water running down my face. I lifted up my shoulders. 'You have it bad for that one guy huh' he asked me as he looked at me with sympathy. A stone seemed to fall on my stomach, and my heart. Ezra. 'How do you know?' I asked. 'Spencer' he answered. I sighed. 'Can you get me some water please' I asked him. He smiled at me; 'Sure' He walked to the bar to get it. I stood up and walked towards the kitchen cabinet. I opened it and eyed some tequila and whiskey bottles, I took all the bottles that fit under my arm and walked out via the backdoor.

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