5. Miss Montgomery

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'I thought we were supposed to meet at your place?' Ezra asked confused and disoriented as he saw me walking up to him from the parking lot of Radley Sanitarium. I ignored him. My vision was blurry because I spent the last 2 hours crying in my car, I wondered if he'd noticed. 'We can't do this anymore Ezra' I blurted out, to my own surprise. Ezra flinched, then frowned, he looked even more confused than before. 'What..' he said softly, I could hardly hear it. I don't know why, but I snapped at him, I was agitated to my max. 'You know damn well what I'm talking about Ezra Fitz' Maybe it was because I was mad at him for making me cry, maybe it was because he made me feel a certain way that I can't describe, but would need days if I attempted to, or maybe it was just because he was such a great kisser. Anyhow, I did snap at him and continued to do so. ' You are a freaking mental patient, I'm an adult, not to mention YOUR TEACHER!, I don't even know why I'd ever thought this could work out. Because it can't. Obviously' I hissed the last part, practically blaming myself. Ezra looked hurt, offended. Which hurt me. I tried to look past his lost gaze at the ground and his low-hanging shoulders. I looked at him, picking up some pieces of my self-control. 'I'm sorry I didn't mean to..' 'I'm sure you didn't' he said with a shaking voice, he placed his hands loosely in his pockets. His mouth formed a line. 'I see.. I guess I was overestimating myself, hoping someone as beautiful as you would be able to look past the freaking mental patient part once she knew me like you do' he said. He leaned back a little, swallowing his tears. Then I realized what he said was practically an insult. I looked at him obliviously. 'Know you? Ezra, I know zero about you! I don't even know how you just got out, or last night, for that matter!' 'I have privileges' he said explicitly. 'You do?' I asked as I tilted my head. 'Sometimes I sneak out..' He said with a naughty smile. I sighed.



'It's miss Montgomery to you.'

'Aria, I'm in love with you'

tears started to stream down his face. To me, it felt like the pitch black sky broke down and a firing hell broke loose. The guy was in love with me, I was in love with him. It's not like I never acknowledged that before, I did all the times he'd looked into my eyes. You know it's love when you can look into someone's eyes and feel as though you have touched their soul with your hand, Even though you are universal distances away from each other. Which to us, was the distance between my desk and his seat in the Radley day-room. I bit my tongue, holding back my tears. Ezra covered his face in his hands. I didn't know what to do, or say. He wiped away his tears of heartfelt sadness. Something I didn't know he had been hiding from me for quite some time. 'I just thought you wanted me as much as I want you' he uttered as his voice was almost cracking. 'I don't' I lied, swallowing my tears. This probably hurt me more than it did him. He looked at me with a lost gaze, he never saw it coming. And neither did I, for that I was looking at him the exact same. There was no difference in the way we felt about each other, there never was. I was attracted to him and I could never deny that, to his depth of feeling, and even his pain right now was something I found greatly appealing.

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