13. bomb drop.

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It had been a few days since I last saw Ezra. I couldn't just come in and visit. I wanted to see him though, I really did. I was anxious , all the time, how he would react when he would find out about the story.. If he would find out. I didn't know how to tell him, I knew I had to before he found out himself. Spencer had seen something was bothering me and she kept asking me what it was. I just told her that I had problems with the guy whose name she still didn't know. She knew I was lying, I think, but she lifted her shoulders and probably figured I would tell her when I was ready to. I drove to Radley Sanitarium, way too early. I was supposed to be there at 12. And I arrived at 10. I was hoping to not bump into Wren. He was a weird, but yet interesting guy I would rather avoid. Considering his try to hook up with me when I was at my worst and he obviously knew that. I walked in. The lady behind the desk frowned. 'You're early. I thought you would be here at 12' she stated. I faked a frown and looked at the clock. 'Oh I didn't notice..' I lied and I just walked through, not caring how weird she looked at me. I walked through the corridor searching for his room, when I found it, I found it empty. I walked to the dayroom. He wasn't there either. I walked to the end of the hallway and found a door with a poster next to it. 'Shower Schedules' it said. I looked at today, Ezra was in the shower. I walked in and opened the door of the shower it said he was in. I looked into a pair of surprised eyes. I smirked. 'Hi Ezra' the water was running so I started to undress myself to prevent my clothes from getting wet. He stared at me, still in shock when I unzipped my dress, it fell on the ground and I bended over as feminine as I could to pick it up. I reached my back and unclasped my bra, I turned my back to him and let it fall off my shoulders. I pulled my panties down. I felt his arms being wrapped around me from the back. I blushed. I turned around and we started kissing heavily, I pushed him against the wall. Our hands were running over each other's body. I slowly went lower with my mouth, he moaned. And let's just say that from there on our activities were not for the public eye.

It was weird to be in class and sit in front of him and have him call me Miss Montgomery. We both liked it though, it sounded sexy. We just had to watch out, nobody else could find out about us. I handed out the assignments for the next week in the last 15 minutes of class, and they had the rest of the time to ask me questions and work on them. I sat down behind my desk, waiting for a patient to stand up and walk to me to check out their work, but instead Eddie came in, followed by Spencer. I frowned, then my heart started beating really fast; what if spencer saw Ezra? She would put 2 & 2 together in an instant. No.. this couldn't happen. I wanted to disappear, and vanish into thin air. Eddie was glooming. 'Hello, sorry to interrupt. But we have a special announcement. Your favorite teacher Miss Montgomery here is a great writer, we all know that.' The patients nodded. I was still confused and anxious. 'but now, she turns out to be times worthy. And thus we printed out her story for you to read in your own time, and analyze it. We figured that would be more fun than the dull assignments she probably hands out every week' Eddie said with a smile, he turned to me and winked. I just stood there with widened eyes, things were only getting worse. Spencer started handing out my story.. only two patients away from Ezra.. one... and there the eye contact was. Ezra turned as red as a tomato, spencer's eyes widened.. then it was his turn to widen his eyes as he read the first line of my story.. his story. He looked up at me. Tears formed into my eyes, I tried to avoid his eyes, but I couldn't. they were filled with disgust and aimed at me. the 15 minutes had passed 'I have to go..' I whispered to Eddie. And I walked out of the classroom, headed to my car. Tears streaming down my face. I heard footsteps behind me. They were Spencer's. 'Aria, wait up' 'go away' I said snarky. I opened my car door and got in. Spencer did the same and jumped in my car. She gasped when she saw the tears streaming down my face. She pulled me into a hug. 'hey.. what's wrong..' she tried soothing me. 'I don't want to talk about it' I sniffled. She comforted me and accepted that I didn't want to talk about it. 'let's get coffee' she said after a while. I nodded and we drove to the brew.

'two vanilla lattes and chocolate croissants' the lady in front of us put the plates and mugs on the table. 'thank you' Spencer and I said in sync. We smiled at each other. 'so, tell me, is this why you couldn't tell me his name? Aria? Because he's your student.. and in a mental hospital? Or does he have a younger brother that happens to look exactly like him and is mentally Ill?' Spencer got staright to the pint, no sugar coating, the Spencer way. I was a bit overwhelmed by it, but I couldn't deny it any longer. 'He's depressed, not crazy' I said. 'depends how you look at it' she said snarky. I raised my eyebrows. 'I met him the night before my first class, we hooked up, I didn't know he was my student' I explained. Spencer nodded. 'he's cute though' she said. 'he's enchanting' I corrected her. I blushed. 'but I guess things are over now' I told her, and I looked at the ground. 'what why?' Spencer asked. I played with the spoon in my mug, avoiding eye contact, trying to figure out a way to explain this one. I decided to go for the Spencer way. 'the story that will be featured in the new York times is one I didn't write, he did' I dropped the bomb.

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