6. A familiar face

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I got some change out of the bottom of my wallet and gave it to the owner of the brew. He handed me my regular coffee. 'Thank you' I said with a kind smile. I took a sip and enjoyed the hot liquid where no other coffeeshop could live up to flowing through my body. Just as I turned around I heard someone gasping and then screaming my name surprised: 'Aria! Aria! Is that you? I didn't know you were back!' the voice and the woman who it belonged to came up to me. I smiled, how could I have thought I wouldn't bump into her here. 'Hello to you too Spence' I grinned. She hugged me. It had been years since I last saw her. I'm not exaggerating, it had been a 4.5 year long period of time. So much happened, so much of which I would never tell her. She looked at me like she knew what I was thinking, and I believe she was okay with it. We always had that connection, and it never disappeared. She was wearing a beige trenchcoat, dark blue flared jeans and a pair of oxfords. Typical Spencer. 'Come, sit with me' She said. She grabbed my hand and led me to the couch next to the counter, it had been a good few years for the brew since I left, everything seemed to be renewed, except this couch. We sat down while ordering some chocolate muffins. It was like we were back in high school. 'What brings you here? It's been a long time' She asked, the last part sounded a bit sad. 'Actually Spence, it's been a long day for me too' I laughed, my body was tired, exhausted is the better word. I just needed someone to confide in, but I didn't want to put her up with my shit. Her face grew gloomy, 'What do you mean?' she asked, 'wait, have you met someone?!' she screamed while whispering, the way people do in Rosewood. It was clear that she never really left, how could she though, with her mother's office. I giggled. 'Don't lie to me Aria I know that look in your eye, who is it?' she asked 'do I know him?' I shook my head. 'It's complicated' I said. 'ugh I hate that answer, boo you.' She said with a disappointed yet childish look on her face. 'Soo, how are you and Toobs?' I asked. She laughed at the nickname. 'fine' she said, she bit her tongue. 'Fine?' I said, obviously disbelieving her. She sighed. 'you know me too well, okay maybe we're not that fine.' She said, I could tell she was sad. 'How so?' I asked. 'Wren's back, he got a job at Radley, and he came to the office the other day. Tried to kiss me' 'Does Toby know this?' I asked. She shook her head. 'and I'd rather keep it that way' she stated. We both sighed. 'I heard you work at Radley too, is that true?' Of course she just heard it, people talk. In Rosewood, you just never know what to believe. People here live for talking about other people, throwing rocks at things that shine. I nodded. 'Yes I started last week, I teach English and creative writing to a bunch of mental patients' I said like it was the most common thing in the world. Spencer raised her eyebrow. 'Wow, miss Montgomery huh, must be fun reading papers covered in drool' She joked. I threw her a dead gaze. 'That's not funny Spence' I said, while thinking of Ezra, who was probably at this point sitting in his room, all alone, maybe someone came in and stuffed him with medication. The smile vanished of her face. 'I'm sorry' she said genuinely. A silence fell, I didn't even notice it, I was drowning in my thoughts about Ezra, Spencer however must have felt really uncomfortable. 'Aria, I read your books' she suddenly said, sucking me out of my thoughts, making everything else so silent, like everyone froze. I looked at her in anticipation. 'I get it, and I'm sorry, maybe I shouldn't have bothered you at all' she said, the tone of the conversation felt so different from what it had just been. I took a sip of my coffee. 'No, Spence, I love talking to you, it felt great seeing a familiar face, a friendly one' I assured her. 'Well in that case, you and this guy, are you doing it?' She grinned. I laughed as I picked up the pillow next to me and threw it in her face.



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