16. He Escaped

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I saw Ezra storming out of his room, he went to the stairs. 'What are we doing?' Wren stepped in. Ezra stopped. He didn't say a word. I was watching from a distance. Ezra brought his arm backwards, forming a fist with his hand, 'EZRA!' I screamed while he punched Wren. Wren's eyes widened, they then closed and he fell backwards. I covered my mouth with my hand. What had become of him? What had become of the person that was the love of my life? Ezra then ran up the stairs. Eddie stormed in, he probably heard the sound of Ezra's encounter with Wren. He glanced at Wren and gasped. 'I screwed up Eddie..' I uttered, I cried. 'Where is he?' he asked. He looked at me. 'He ran up the stairs' I responded. Eddie's eyes widened, 'He's headed to the roof' he stated. My jaw dropped. 'No..No..' I whispered. I picked the pieces that were left of me up and I ran up the stairs, I pushed the door open to the roof, facing the cold. I gasped. Ezra was standing on the roof railing. My heart jumped.
He was ready to jump.
'EZRA DON'T!' I screamed, tears streaming down my face. He couldn't.. he wouldn't! He looked up surprised. I walked over to him, the wind was blowing, my hands were cold, they were shaking. 'Why not?' he asked, his voice was raspy. I tried to look into his eyes but he was focused on the sun in front of him. I tried to get through him, I looked down and saw that people had already gathered down below. 'it's a permanent solution to a temporary problem, please don't do this..' I begged him. 'there will be days you will fall in love with being alive' I tried. My knees had become weak. 'How can you be so sure..?' he asked, a tear was streaming down his face. I shook my head, my hands were leaning on the railing. 'I'm not' I stated, I couldn't lie to him. My body was trembling. I was so stupid, that I had never seen how bad his situation was. 'Please.. don't jump' I begged him. He avoided my eye contact. He spread out his arms, like an angel spreading his wings. He was an angel, sent from heaven, living hell on earth. Eddie had reached the roof too. 'The police are on their way, you don't have to do this' he yelled. I wiped my tears away. Ezra was still gazing at the sky, like he didn't even know I was here. Like he was trapped in his own mind. I figured I could at least try one more time, I would try till the end of time. 'There are many things in life that I'm not sure of, but I am certain about one thing: I am deeply in love with you and I want you. I want us-, forever. So, I need you to stay no matter what. And that's why it scares me. And I know it scares you too, there are many things that scare you, even though you won't admit it. Because what if you bail out? What if you can't take it anymore? I never liked needing anyone. And I get scared too, and I get why. And as much as you think I can't help you, you can't stop me from trying. Please.. just grab my hand and I'll pull you down..' I pleaded, I was crying a river and reaching out for his hand. He looked at it. He then turned his head to the sky again. He sank through his knees, and he jumped.
He jumped.
He jumped.
I gasped and flinched back from the railing. He jumped. I covered my mouth with my hands and my heart sank to my stomach. My body shivered and I closed my eyes. He jumped. He jumped into the sky, believing that angels could fly. He jumped into the cold air, believing that it would heat his soul. He jumped into the freezing cold, to find peace within himself. I felt Eddie behind me, wrapping his arms around me, catching me from my fall backwards. I was crying an ocean. I heard sirens blasting from far away. People were screaming down below. He jumped -no, what am I saying?

He escaped.

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