
341 21 13

Caspar's P.O.V
Sitting at my computer I begin working on editing my video for Monday humming to myself I start dragging clips moving them around. I get to the part where Joe came in and attacked me with kisses hesitating I remove it from the video sighing. Footsteps come up the stairs and I soon feel a pair of arms wrap around me.

"Hi Joe."

"Hello love whatcha doing?"

"Editing my video for Monday."

"Did you delete the part out where I snuck in?"

"Yeah I did."

I say looking back at the screen and I feel his breath against my neck.

"I know you hate doing that baby but it's for the best."

"I hate the fact we're still hiding Joe all of our friends who are in a relationship have already come out and we've been dating the longest without telling the public."

"Caspar I know this but we're different from them yes people know I'm gay and five months ago you came out to everyone as well. Some people will be accepting and some won't we have to take this one step at a time."

"You always say that all of our friends were able to over come it we can too. You never even want to try are you ashamed of dating me?"

I ask looking at him and he turns to look at me his eyes wide.

"What on earth are you talking about?" 

"You heard what I ask Joe are you ashamed of having me as your boyfriend because your actions say you do."

"No of course I'm not ashamed of having you as my boyfriend you're one of the best things to ever happen to me. I have no reason to be ashamed of you baby I love you so so much more then I can even express."

"Then why are we still hiding?"

I ask laying my head on my desk covering my face I hear Joe let out a sigh before I hear him set a chair beside me.

"Caspy look at me."

I turn to look at him and he pushes my hair away from my face kissing my nose.

"When the time is right we are going to let the whole world know that we are together and that we are going to be together forever."

"Do you promise I mean honestly not just cause you want to say that?"

"I promise cross my heart."

Nodding my head I kiss his mouth Joe cups my cheeks looking at me with a soft smile.

"How about we go down to the bedroom put a movie on and cuddle under the blankets?"

"Sounds perfect to me."

I smile he takes my hand leading me downstairs to our well his old room I started sleeping in there eight months after we started dating. Laying on the bed I cuddle under the covers as he puts in Avengers. Joe lays next to me and I scoot closer to him resting my head next to his on the pillow.

"I love you Joe with all my heart."

"I love you too Caspar with my everything."

Short chapter I know but this is only the beginning I hope you enjoy it.


Uncover (boyxboy) Short Story ✔️ Needs Edited/Rewroteحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن