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Joe's P.O.V
I lay on the guest bed staring at the ceiling day seven without Caspar and it feels like a fucking nightmare. I hardly sleep hardly eat all I can do is think about him and the look on his face when I left it felt like my heart shattered.  Why I couldn't have just given him the thing he wanted most coming out to everyone I have no idea.

"Joe do you want to talk about it?"

Alfie asks from the doorway I nod my head and he sits next to me on the bed I glance over at him.

"Have you tried to talk with him?"

"I only told him that I made it here nothing else I wanted us to have time to think about everything."

"An what have you uncovered while thinking this past week?"

"That no matter what I love Caspar and I always will that I shouldn't let what other people think get in the way of my love for him."

He smiles nodding his head and I chuckle at him.

"So what am I suppose to do?"

I ask looking at him and he rubs his chin before looking around the room his eyes meeting mine once more.

"Figure out a way to talk to him and apologize let him know that you really love him."

Nodding my head he pats my shoulder leaving I grab my phone to start working on a plan to win Caspar back.

Caspar's P.O.V

Laying on my bed I look out the window staring at the rain that runs down the glass it's been seven days since Joe left. It feels like a giant whole is in my heart I feel so empty without him a few people have stopped by to see how I am. Mainly Will and Oli I had them help me create a new video because honestly I don't feel like doing anything. I've cried so much in the last week that I'm surprised I still have any in me.

My phone buzzes and I reach over looking to see a tweet from Joe

Joe_Sugg: Heading back to London tomorrow after a great time visiting Zalfie and Nala.

Joe was coming home tomorrow I need to get everything cleaned so he doesn't freak out on me. Dragging myself from bed I get a shower walking upstairs and cleaning the flat I do the dishes and the laundry. I remain quite actually enjoying the silence for once I wasn't expected to talk to anyone or pretend to be okay when I'm alone. I can feel like shit and not worry about being judge for it or worrying people. My phone vibrates again and I sigh grabbing it from my pocket Alfie's name lighting up the screen.

"Hello Alfie.."

"Hey Caspar I called to see how you are."

"In all honestly I'm shitty right now my boyfriend decided he doesn't want to be with me anymore. So yeah I'm shitty and yourself?"

"I'm sorry Caspar Zo is too she's been wanting to talk to you but she's afraid you're mad at her."

"I'm not mad at her she hasn't done anything wrong."

"Will you tell her that?"

"Of course."

I wait for him to give Zoe the phone and her voice fills the line.

"Hello Caspar."

"Hi Zoe."

"So you aren't upset or mad at me?"

"No I'm not you haven't done anything wrong so I have no reason to be upset with you. Just because Joe doesn't want to be with me anymore doesn't mean I'll be angry with you. You're one of my best friends okay? Don't forget that if I ever get upset with you then you will be the first to know."

"Okay thank you Caspar I don't want to lose your friendship."

"And I don't want to lose yours now I need to finish cleaning okay I'll talk with you guys later or something."

"Alright we love you Caspar."

"I love you guys too Zoe bye."


We hang up and I put my phone away setting the broom back in the closet I go back downstairs ready to curl up under the blankets again.


Part one of this book is almost finished only two or three more chapters left, then I will start on part two :)

Uncover (boyxboy) Short Story ✔️ Needs Edited/RewroteWhere stories live. Discover now