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Caspar's P.O.V

I hear my phone vibrate again checking it I see Joe's number pop up tossing it onto my bag I look at the wall. Dan and Phil have been kinda enough to allow me to stay fro a few days while I work to getting rid of my anger. I know Joe was just saying those things because of the fans but it really hurt still. 

"Caspar breakfast is ready."

I hear Dan call so I get out of bed dressing before walking to the kitchen.

"How did you sleep Casp?"

"Okay how about you guys?" 

"We sleep good Dan kept hogging all the blankets."

"I couldn't help it I was cold."

"Well I was cold too I had to get my own from the closet."

"I'm sorry Philly."

I look away when the kiss wanting to give them privacy I take a bite of my pancake waiting till they finish.

"Sorry Caspar."

"It's fine don't worry about it these are good by the way."

"Thank you I made them while Phil did the toast."

"Thank you for allowing me to stay."

"You're welcome we know you would do the same for one of us."

Nodding we continue eating talking about their new house they are looking into so they can try to have a puppy. After breakfast Phil goes to shower and Dan sits beside me showing me his phone.

"Joe texted me again I don't know what to tell him so I haven't answered."

"If he asks where I am tell him you aren't allowed to say but you have spoken with you and I am fine."


He smiles typing into his phone I watch the movie that's playing on the tv fiddling with my fingers. I know Joe cares about me it's obvious since he keeps asking Dan about me. It's just I can't get what he wrote in the log out of my head.

Joe's P.O.V

I read the reply from Dan cursing running a hand through my hair as I cross Dan and Phil off. I dial my dad's number.


"Ay dad it's me I was wondering if maybe Caspar is there?"

"No he isn't why?"

"Because he didn't come home after lunch I've been asking everyone and the one person I asked. Said he wasn't allowed to say but that Caspar was fine."

"I'm sure he is fine he probably didn't come home because of what you said on your Twitter log."

"But I didn't do anything that I know of that is really bad."

"What you wrote was pretty harsh and mean so I don't blame him for not wanting to be home right now."

"How do I apologize when he doesn't answer any of my calls or text messages?"

"Wait till he comes home he needs a little time to work of his anger okay?"

"Okay I'll call you later thanks dad."

"Alright bud later."

I hang up crossing my dad off the list before I lay back on the bed looking up at the ceiling I owe Caspar a big apology. Everyone who knows we're together is pissed at me for saying such harsh words and I regret them. I deleted it a couple hours later apologized for the way I worded it but I don't think Caspar has seen it. Hell even fans are mad at me mainly the Jaspar shippers I just don't want people to be suspicious. I'm not ready for our relationship to be put in the public eye honestly I like the thrill of sneaking around. Even tho the only time we really do it is when we go out everyone we are friends with closely and that we can trust know.

I love Caspar I really do and a big part of me wants the world to know that but I don't want people to uncover the little magical seeming life we have. I don't want the media trying to destroy the happiness I feel when we're together.


This is just a filler chapter the next chapter will have more :) also this is a little look into why Joe doesn't want to go public with their relationship yet.

Uncover (boyxboy) Short Story ✔️ Needs Edited/RewroteWhere stories live. Discover now