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Caspar' P.O.V

I plop on my bed finally home after spending four extra days in LA I was beyond tired but my body wasn't ready to sleep. Running a hand threw my hair I yawn kicking my shoes off crawling under the blanket and wrapping it around me. Grabbing my phone I dial my mum's number yawning again.


"Hi mum it's me."

I mumble snuggling into the blankets.

"Hello darling how was LA?"

"Fun I enjoyed myself how are you and Theo?"

"We're good she stopped by yesterday we had lunch and dinner together we were talking about how we miss you."

"I miss you guys too I need to plan a trip out soon."

"Yes that would be wonderful you sound really tired."

"I am but I can't fall asleep."

"Try drinking a glass of warm milk or hot chocolate see if that helps."

"Thank you I'll try that in a few minutes I still want to talk with you for a little."

"How are you and Joe?"

"We're doing really good better then we have in a while."

"I'm happy for you love how did the meet ups and panels go?"

"Great everyone was so so nice and supportive of us I wanted to cry because of how sweet some of them were.

I smile as Joe walks into the room crawling under the blankets with me I feel him pull me close as I listen to my mum talk. His lips move to my neck placing a soft kiss before he just lays there the puff of his breath against my skin.

"Love you."

He whispers softly in my ear lacing our hands together.

"Yeah mum I'm still here just dozing off a bit."

"I'll let you go then darling okay?"

"Alright I love you mum."

"Love you too sweetie."

We hang up and I place my phone on my bed stand Joe smiles at me kissing my neck again.

"I love you too."

I whisper as he lays there I yawn again as his free hand moves slowly threw my hair.

"Love you more."

He yawns mumbling and I shake my head slowly drifting off to sleep.

"Love you most."

This was just a short fluffy chapter the next one is going to be long hopefully I'm so excited!! Only about two or three more chapters left. <3

Uncover (boyxboy) Short Story ✔️ Needs Edited/RewroteWhere stories live. Discover now