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Joe's P.O.V

"J-Joe stop I c-can't breath!"

Caspar laughs as I tickle his sides I smile tickling them more as he rolls on the floor I finally stop kissing his mouth.

"I love you Caspar."

"I love you too JoJo now you need to let me up I'm meeting Marcus and Will for lunch."

"Don't leave mee."

I pout looking at him and he giggles kissing my nose lacing our hands together on his stomach.

"You need to finish editing your video if I'm here you won't get it done."

"But babyy."

"No now are you gonna let me up?"


He smirks flipping us over and I look up at him.

"Remind me again why you're the sub?"

I say and his cheeks turn red as he gets off of me.

"Because I like it up the ass you don't and you like being a dominate."

"That's what I thought."

I hum kissing his mouth letting his hand go so he can get ready I watch him from the bed as he changes. I whistle winking when he takes his pajama pants off he rolls his eyes flipping me off.

"You know you want me to fuck you."

"As true as that is I don't have enough time Marcus and Will are going to be here in five minutes."

Once he's dressed he does his hair and I wrap my arms around him while he brushes his teeth.

"Why are you doing that when you are getting ready to eat?"

"Because I don't want my breath to stink you know how I feel about that."

"I know baby just messing with you."

I say kissing his neck he smiles spitting into the sink before getting his wallet and phone. I follow him up the stairs letting Marcus and Will up when they buzz the door. We exchange hugs when they come in and I kiss Caspar's mouth.

"Have fun baby but behave."

"Yes mother."

Chuckling I close the door behind them before grabbing my laptop and phone unlocking it.

I smile scrolling through my twitter replying to a few people and retweeting things when my phone rings and I answer it.


"Joe it's Oli I think there is something you and Caspar need to look at."

"What is it and Caspar just left for lunch with Marcus and Will."

"I'll dm you the link on Twitter one of your fans is claiming they saw you and Caspar kiss in a shop yesterday."

"Are you serious?"

"Yes now everyone is going nuts."

I get the link and I click on it reading the twitter log I curse under my breath.

"What the fuck am I suppose to do?"

"You either tell them it's the true or say maybe the fan made a mistake."

"I'll right a Twitter log I'll talk to you later mate."

We hang up and I bring up the Twitter log I think for a minute before letting my fingers go across the keys.

Hello Everyone,

So it has been brought to my attention that a fan is claiming they saw me kiss my best friend Caspar in a shop. It isn't true it may have look like I kissed him but I actually leaned in by his ear to tell him not to be too loud. Caspar and I are friends nothing more nothing less I wouldn't date Caspar I only see him as a friend. He isn't really like a person I could see myself with I mean he is amazing I just don't think we would work out. A lot of you are asking if we are dating I've told you before that we are not I know a lot of you want us to be and a lot of you do not want us too. If Caspar and I dated that would be between us and we would eventually tell you all. I would appreciate unless you know for sure that you have seen something like that not to say anything. And even if you did see me kiss someone I would appreciate that you wouldn't say anything keep it to yourself. If and when I get a boyfriend I will let you all know. Caspar and I are just friends we have been for a long time just because we both are gay doesn't automatically mean we are together. Thank you for reading and I hope you all have a goodnight or day where ever you are.

Joe x

I hit send before making sure it posted I lock my phone before I continue working on my new video.

Caspar's P.O.V
I feel my phone buzz and I pull it out seeing I was tagged in a Twitter log from Joe I open it reading it and the boys look at it will me.

"What the fuck he didn't need to say it like that."

Marcus says as I stare at my phone Will nods his head.

"Marcus is right talk about a bit harsh there Joseph."

I bite my lip feeling my eyes water and Marcus wraps an arm around my shoulder.

"It will be okay Casp we know it's not true he's just saying that to get them off your guys back."

"But he could have used this as an opportunity to come out to everyone we've been hiding for over a year."

I whisper the tears falling down my cheeks as I read over his words again my heart silently breaking. I exit the log pulling up Phil's name and I send him a message.

'After I get lunch with Marcus and Will can I stay with you guys for a few days?'

'You saw the twitter log?'


'Dan says we welcome you with open arms.'


Ooo Joe harsh there lemme know what you guys think! :)

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