Chapter 2: Secrets

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I was told by Justin that I could stay in my room until dinner just that once. He said that dinner was at 6:30 and that I needed to be there by 6:15. He told me that my room was on the top floor. When I asked him which one it was, he said that it was the only room on the floor.

The room was huge and colored a light purple. There was a picture of Melinda and Charles on my desk. There were two windows with long and dark purple drapes. The furniture was extremely expensive and large.

The only two things that I wish I could teleport here were my books and Justin's painting.

I really wanted to know what was happening at home.

I was instantly tired and fell onto the bed.

It was freezing all of the sudden, and I was standing in a completely dark room.

"Andrew?" I asked.

Suddenly, there was a burst of light all around me. Images swirled around my eyes. They went by to fast to see at first, but they slowly slowed down.

I could see Peter lying in the floor of my room with a tear stained face. He looked like he hadn't slept in days and was just lying on the floor all day. Annie and Colin looked depressed as they sat in Annie's room reading. Beck was in the gym and by the way he kept throwing things, I assumed he was angry at something. Cindy and Mandy's smiles were exchanged for a tired look, and poor Ben was in the kitchen slowly eating his least favorite food, cereal. Luke was in the library. He was doing research and reading constantly. I knew he hadn't slept since I talked to him. His face and eyes were bright red.

"Is this their future?" I asked.

"No, it's what they are doing now." Andrew said coming out of the dark.

"Is this because of me?" I asked.

"Maybe, but you can't do anything about it can you." He said.

"No, but you can. You have to tell them that I am okay. Tell them that Justin was basically being controlled by The Manipulator the entire time. Tell them that I miss them, but they need to be happier. Tell Peter and Luke that they need to rest. " I said.

"Okay, but I must warn you. When you send messages like this, any telepath can hear them, and I am with great sadness to tell you that someone is listening to our conversation." He said.

I sat up on my bed and I heard a loud voice on the intercom say that I needed to meet The Manipulator in his office.

I quickly walked towards his office and opened the door.

"I thought I told you not to try to contact them." The Manipulator said.

"What do you mean?" I asked.

"You know what I mean. I know about your conversation with Andrew." He said.

"I wasn't trying to contact him. He contacted me first." I said.

"No, you contacted him. You might not have meant to, but you did. This is your final warning Samantha. Disobey my orders again, and you will know what it is like to have everything you love taken away from you." He said sternly.

"Yes sir." I said agreeing. I needed to be on his good side for as long as possible.

"Go to dinner." He stated.

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