The Last Book!

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Hey guys! Thanks for sticking with me through two books! I honestly don't know how you did it XD. The first chapter of the last book of the Samantha Roberts series is posted! I'm super excited to start this new book! Oh, and I forgot to mention the title: The Dark Life of Samantha Roberts! I hope all of you are as excited got this new book as I am. Thank you so much for all of the support you have given me so far! I love you all, and the summary is below.



Samantha Roberts and the rest of her team S.O.S. are all back together with the government, and they are bigger than ever before. They all work together to strengthen the power of the team. Justin and Samantha work tirelessly to perfect Samantha's power, so she can fight the Dark Flame inside of her the next time she tries to take control. They also work on finding an answer to past questions about Justin's sister's death.

During this, they paid little attention to the changes the government was throwing at them. They added rules almost every day. The government was treating them like prisoners.

While trying to escape the government's rules, Samantha was also trying to escape the Dark Flame inside of her. She was slowly changing to the image that the Dark Flame wanted her to be, and it was obvious that she was losing control. Join Samantha and her team as they try to find out how they can cope with their powers, and as Samantha tries everything she can to stop the ever-growing spirit from turning her life dark.

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