Chapter 4: Home Sweet Home

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The rest of the plane ride consisted of me crying as Justin tried to comfort me. Then I kept apologizing, and he kept saying it was fine. It really meant a lot to me that he tried to comfort me because he has told me before about how uncomfortable he gets when people cry.

When the plane ride was almost over, I went into the bathroom and cleared the tears from my face. I made myself look happier and went back outside

When we reached the ground and got off of the plane, a real smile appeared on my face.

"Home sweet home." Justin said happily.

"This is so much better than being trapped on that island." I said.

I instantly felt a pain in my head.

"Sam? Sam! Is that you?" Andrew asked running up to us.

"What are you doing at the airport Andrew?" I asked.

"Waiting on Peter and Lucas to come home. Since you're back, we can all come up with a plan to defeat The Manipulator together!" He said.

"Andrew, as much as we would like to, we can't stay. The Manipulator is just starting to trust us. If we get really close on the inside, maybe we can come up with a way to defeat him. We can talk later. I'll send you a mind message to meet us somewhere, but I can't see Peter or Luke. They can't shield their minds from The Manipulator like we can." I said.

"Okay, do you have a message you would like me to pass on to them?" He asked.

"I'll tell you a message latter." I said.

"Justin..." Andrew began to say, but Justin stopped him.

"I don't want to talk about it." Justin said with a twinge of silence in his voice.

"Well, It was nice to see the both of you again. I'm glad The Manipulator came to his senses and stopped torturing you Justin. You didn't deserve that." He said.

"Me too." Justin said. His face showed signs of sadness and anger. I put my arm around him.

"I'm glad you're okay. I don't know how I would be surviving right now without you." I said.

"Well, bye you two." Andrew said.

"Bye." We said in unison and walking away before Peter or Luke got there.

"Let's hope that neither one of them saw us." Justin said.

"Yeah, are you going to tell me where we are eating now? Or do I still have to wait to know?" I asked.

"We'll be there in a few minutes." He said.

Justin had told me that the place where we were going was close enough to just walk to it without having to pay for a car.

In a few minutes, Italian Oven, an Italian restaurant, was across the road from us.

"Are we going to Italian Oven?" I asked excitedly.

"Yep, have you been before? This place is full of my childhood memories! This is basically where I grew up!" He said happily.

"I went with Peter's family once. It was so good." I said. I remembered begging Peter to take me with him. He finally convinced his parents to let me come.

We walked in an waited for our waiter to sit us down at a table. He took our drink orders once we sat down.

"So did you do a lot of things with Peter growing up?" He asked.

"Are you sure you want me to answer that question?" I asked because I really didn't want to mess up our two nights here.

"Yes, I want to learn everything I can about you. That includes your past." He said.

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