Chapter 7: Beautiful Evolution

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When the plane reached the ground, Sebastian and Jonas were outside waiting for us to come out.

"Hi guys! Did you have fun? Was it like it used to be? Have you heard about the new singer Peter Oliver? The Manipulator told us that he was a GEM working for the government!" Sebastian said happily.

"Okay, We had a lot of fun, and it felt like we were back home. We have heard about Peter, and we've known Peter was a GEM for a while." Justin said answering all of Sebastian's questions.

"He is really inquisitive today. He has been anticipating your return since you left." Jonas said.

"It's more exciting with you guys. I get bored when I'm alone." Sebastian said.

"Hey, I'm almost always with you!" Jonas said.

"You don't count." He said laughing.

"Well, as much as we would love hanging out with you two, we have to report to The Manipulator." Justin said.

"Okay, we will see you guys at lunch then right?" Sebastian asked.

"We will be there." I said walking with Justin towards The Manipulator's office.

The Manipulator opened the door before we could knock.

"I'm glad you two are back because I need to talk to you." He said.

We walked inside and sat down.

"I hope your trip was enjoyable, but I'm afraid that any fun you were having there is over. We have a lot of work to get done in a short amount of time. I will be making an announcement to the entire world in a month about our island. The people of the world need to know about a sanctuary that they can visit if they are alone and afraid of their own powers. We can be a safe haven for GEMS everywhere. However, we need many new rooms. I'm moving everyone on either construction or recruiting. I need to know what both of you would rather do. I would put Justin on construction, and Samantha on recruiting, but I think you would both rather work together." He said.

"Construction." I said.

"Are you sure? You would be so talented in recruiting." The Manipulator said.

"I would be so talented at either, and you know that." I said.

"What's wrong Samantha?" The Manipulator asked.

"I heard you told the entire island about Peter." I said.

"I don't keep secrets. They all deserved to know." He said.

"I also heard from a reliable source that you forced Peter to do that talk-show even though he has huge stage fright. Why?" I asked.

"I wanted Andrew to take over. I knew he would, and I also knew that he would say something to upset you. I'm sorry Samantha, but I can't let you be around Peter. He is dangerous. Not only to me, but he is dangerous to you." The Manipulator said.

"I want to be on your side father, but you have to start telling me things. I hate secrets father." I said.

"I'll start telling you things. I promise." He said.

"I have a question." Justin said.

"Go ahead." The Manipulator said.

"Who is the little girl in the basement?" Justin asked.

"How did you find her? I... She is Bobby's little sister. She has to stay in the basement because she is dangerous." The Manipulator said.

I didn't believe it.

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