Chapter 10: You and Me

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"Samantha, we need to leave soon." Justin said lightly shaking me to wake me up.

"Where are we going again?" I asked sleepily.

"We have to find Luke." He said.

"I don't want to get up." I said burying myself with the blankets.

"Samantha Roberts, you are not doing this to me again. You have to get up." He threw a pillow at me.

"Please let me sleep Justin. I am too tired to do anything today." I begged.

"You can sleep on the plane if you want to." Justin said taking the covers off of me.

"Really? Okay, let's go to the plane." I said slowly standing up.

"I have to eat something before we go, and I think you might want to change." He said opening the door to leave.

"Justin, you'll keep me safe today right?" I asked rubbing my eyes.

"Always. Meet me in the Lobby when you are done." Justin said leaving the room.

I changed into my black outfit that I wear on missions now. I curled my long hair and decided to put a little dark makeup on.

I thought that if I make myself look evil, they might believe it, and they would hopefully comply.

When I was finished getting ready, I grabbed my pillow and went to the Lobby.

"You look like your about to kick someone's butt." Sebastian said as I walked into the Lobby.

"Yeah the pillow looks real scary." Stephen said laughing.

"I'm tired okay. If I don't get my sleep, I am not fun to be around." I said.

"I think she is hilarious on little sleep." William said laughing.

"Maybe to you, but I can be vicious on an hour of sleep." I said.

"You went to sleep early last night though." Justin said walking into the room.

"I didn't sleep well." I said shrugging.

"Well, we need to start heading out." William said.

"Bye guys, Be safe and don't die." Sebastian said.

"Thanks buddy." I said giving him a quick hug.

I followed the boys to the plane and sat down next to Justin. I put the pillow on the ground and laid my head on his chest.

He wrapped his arm around me, and I quickly fell asleep.

I opened my eyes and I was in front of the house I built years ago. I opened the door and walked inside to see Peter kissing someone. I slammed the door, and they pulled apart.

"Sam? I didn't know you were coming. What happened to your eyes?" Peter asked running up to me.

"Where is Luke?" I asked.

"What have they done to you?" He asked worriedly.

"Who is that?" I asked pointing to the girl.

"Gemma Kempf, my girlfriend." He said not looking at me.

I quickly sat up and caught my breath.

"Sam, are you okay?" Justin asked grabbing my hand.

"I'm okay, it was just a dream." I told him not believing it myself.

The Captive Life of Samantha RobertsOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora