Chapter 9: A Father's Hope

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The next three months went by, and everyday was exactly the same.

The Manipulator came home and gave me a potion. It quickly healed my astral plane wounds, but my powers took a little more time to recover. It did have a major side effect though. My eye color changed into a light blue. They looked empty.

Justin was sent on some sort of mission that he couldn't tell me about. He tried to protest and get out of it, so he could stay with me, but I told him that he should go.

When The Manipulator found out that Bobby and his sister escaped, he was furious. He blamed it on William, but I told him it was my fault. I told him that because they were all worried about me, she wasn't being watched. I also told him that William tried everything to stop him from leaving. That made The Manipulator forget about the whole thing.

Sebastian and Jonas were pretty much the most help to me. Because I didn't have a lot of energy, I was put in a horrendous wheelchair. They offered to push me, help me out of it, and carry me down the stairs. It was very sweet of them. When I finally got out of the Wheelchair, the helped me get used to walking.

William was around me a lot, and we had become pretty close. He could come up with the best jokes, and he was extremely fun to be around.

The island was growing also. The other GEMS worked on constructing new buildings, and the recruiters brought many new members.

I was at lunch when I was told some of the most important news ever on the island.

"Sam, have you heard about the special new members?" William asked.

"Which ones?" I asked eating a bite out of my sandwich.

"The three new girls." He said.

I almost feel out of my seat.

"There are going to be other girls here!" I said excitedly.

"Yes, but it kind of hurts to see you so excited about it. Aren't we good enough friends?" He joked.

"Don't get me wrong, you guys are awesome, but I need a few girls in my life." I said laughing.

I looked over at the door and saw Justin enter the room.

"I've got to go guys." I said leaving my salad on the table and running towards Justin.

"Justin!" I called after him.

"Sam! You're looking back to normal! That's great news!" He said laughing as I hugged him tightly.

"I've missed you so much." I said smiling at him.

"I've missed you too. It feels like it has been forever since I've seen you." He said.

"Have you heard the news?" I asked

"No, what's happened?" He asked.

"There are three girls on their way here right now!" I said happily.

"Really?" Justin asked.

"Yes! I can't wait! No offense, but it gets lonely around here with all of you." I said.

"Well, I love talking to you, and I really miss it, but I have to talk to The Manipulator. I need to report what I found out. I'll find you as soon as I can." He said walking towards my fathers office.

"Okay, I'll be up in my room if you need me." I said waking up the stars and to my room.

Because my powers are still recovering, I got to rest and read pretty much all day for everyday

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