Chapter 11: Persuasion

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I was sitting awake in my bed listening to the quiet rain outside when Luke opened the door to my room.

"Luke, what are you doing in here?" I asked.

"I was told to come wake you up, but it looks like you are already awake." He said with a frown.

"What's wrong?" I asked.

"Peter is here." Luke said.

"What do you mean Peter is here?" I yelled standing up.

"He followed us. He used my mind to find our location." Luke said.

"Does father know about this? Is he going to hurt you?" I asked nervously.

"He knows, but he won't hurt me for the same reason he won't hurt you. He needs us." Luke said leaning on my furniture.

"Why? He has plenty of GEMS that would follow him without hesitation." I said.

"He needs our powers, and he will do anything to keep them. He wants our loyalty. I don't think that I can ever be loyal to him again." He said in a disgusted way.

"Not even if your life was on the line?" I asked.

"The only person I really want to keep safe is you. Your my sister. I've always tried to keep you safe. You are the only thing that could keep me here." He said.

"I agree. I didn't want to bring you here Luke. He took over my mind. I had to trick you." I said.

"I know. Justin told me everything." He said.

"I'm sorry." I said hugging him tightly.

"It's okay. It's not like I was needed back there anyway. I always felt alone without you there." He said.

"I can't leave this island. I hope you have figured out why by now. I need to talk to father before this whole Peter thing gets out of hand." I said quickly fixing my hair and leaving my room with Luke behind me.

I knocked on my fathers door.

"Samantha, it's so nice to see you. I feel like it's been so long." He said happily.

"It's only been one day." I said.

"One extremely long day." He said sitting down.

"I heard about Peter. What are you planning on doing?" I asked.

"I plan to kill him. He's in my way. I've given him a choice between two different options, and he chose to be killed." The Manipulator said.

"No! You can't! You said you wouldn't harm him!" I yelled.

"I said I wouldn't if he didn't get in my way." He said angrily.

"Father please. He's my best friend. You can't do this to me." I said sadly.

"You have met new friends on the island. William, Sebastian, and Justin. They are your friends, not Peter." He said strongly.

"I need to speak to him." I told my father.

"He is in the infirmary waiting to be killed. Make it quick." He said.

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