Chapter 12: Nightmares

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"I will destroy all of you at one point or another! She can hold me back for now, but she is not strong enough to keep me hidden forever! I will come, and I promise you that I will bring the end. Hate will come. Death will come. Darkness will come. You might think you know Samantha Roberts, but she is dark. Darker than any of you can begin to imagine. And when she looks you in the eye before she burns you to dust, I want you all to remember this, and I want you to know that I am laughing at you for you stupidity in trusting her. All she will do is destroy you, and she will slowly be destroying herself."

It was pitch black and silent when I sat up in my bed panting in fear. My heart was beating out of my chest and fiery tears were pouring down my face. I felt weak in my stomach, and I was dying of thirst.

I slowly stood up, almost falling in the process. I stumbled down the hall and to the stairs. I was afraid to try to walk down them, so I sat at the top of them waiting to calm down.

My dream wasn't like any other I had ever had before. Normally, it felt like I was in the dream, but in this dream I was watching it all happen.
I was stuck watching the reactions of the people The Dark Flame was speaking to while being trapped inside of her like she was my costume. I was fighting to regain control while fearing the words that she spoke. I hated that she had so much power over me, but I knew what she spoke of was true.

I was thinking that I would cause my own destruction. It was a fact that I heard more often recently than ever. My father felt that the Dark Flame would make me stronger, but I could feel my true self dying every second of everyday. I was slowly losing pieces of myself. I though that soon, there will be nothing left to lose.

I stood up and slowly stepped down the stairs trying to escape from my own thoughts. I got a glass of water and ran outside to get some fresh air. I sat in the sand drinking my water and listening to the waves.

"Samantha? What are you doing outside at 3:05 in the morning?" Claire asking running up to me.

"Oh nothing." I said quickly wiping away my tears.

"I saw that by the way. Are you alright?" She asked worriedly.

"Can I be honest with you" I asked.

She nodded.

"No, I'm not even close to okay." I said moving my hair away from my eyes.

"I know I don't seem like the best person to talk to, but I am here if you need me. I feel like you are the only one I can even begin to have a conversation with here. Kara is well... extremely annoying, and Jenny is too sweet and innocent. I just can't talk to them. Cindy, your friend, was cool, and she told me a lot of good things about you. I want you to know that whatever you are going through, you are strong enough to get through it. I can tell." She said putting her hand on my shoulder.

I tried to believe what she said, but The Dark Flame was too powerful.

"Did you ever hear anything about The Dark Flame?" I asked.

"I'm pretty sure everyone on the island knows about that." She said honestly.

"It's been invading my sleep by giving me these horrible nightmares, and tonight's was the worst one so far." I said pulling my legs to my chest and wrapping my arms around them.

"I know how you feel. When I try to sleep, all I get is a nightmare about the people I have changed. I hate my power. I hate the darkness it brings with it." She said sadly.

"We have much more in common than I thought we would. Next thing you know, Kara is going to surprise us." I said laughing.

"Speaking of Kara, she told your father that you let Cindy go back to the government. He said he would talk to you about it tomorrow... Today I mean." She said with an annoyed expression.

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