25 - Awakenings

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By the time we finished I was having trouble stifling yawns, lack of sleep finally catching up with me. As we began to pack up my mouth opened in a yawn so wide I felt and heard a cracking in my jaw.

"Tired much Cara?" Marcus teased.

"I didn't sleep well the last couple of nights," I admitted.

"Why don't you head off home then, we've got this," Rick offered.

"Thanks guys, I think I will if you're sure you don't mind." They assured me it was fine so I wished them all goodnight and after waving a farewell to Bob, headed out the door. Taking my phone out to check for messages, I saw one from Ben. Can I give you a lift home?  I rang him immediately. "You're here?"

"Usual place," he replied, so I turned to head to the quiet spot where he normally parked the Jag. He got out of the car as I approached and stepped towards me; I wanted to fling myself into his arms but was hesitant when I saw how well turned out he was.

"I don't want to mess with the tux," I told him, smiling, when he stood there with his arms open.

"Bugger the tux, come here woman!" he growled, so I laughed and wrapped my arms around his waist as his tightened around me. His kiss left me in no doubt at all that he was pleased to see me. Very pleased, in fact.

"So your fancy schmancy dinner thing finished early?" I asked once I had breath again.

"No, it's still going, but I kept thinking of you and wasn't enjoying myself."

I gave him a look, laughing as I teased him, "I hope that didn't come out right."

He grinned. "It didn't come out right at all, but you know what I mean."

"Do I? I'm afraid I'm feeling particularly obtuse this evening, Cucumberpatch, you're going to have to spell it out for me, syllable by syllable."

He growled again - which is, by the way, one of the sexiest sounds I have ever heard - and kissed me so hard I was surprised to find myself still standing when it was over. Maybe I was getting better at this.

"Okay," I panted, "I think I understand perfectly."

"Good." His breathing was a little uneven too. "Can we go now?"

I nodded, leaving his embrace very reluctantly but telling myself once we were home we could pick up right here again, and got in the door he opened for me. "Home James!" I giggled as he started the engine. He shot me a look then smilingly concentrated on the road again and I snuggled into the seat to get comfy, thinking how calming and relaxing the purr of the engine was.

The next thing I was aware of was being carried in strong arms then placed gently down on something soft and warm; my shoes were removed and more soft warm things placed over me. I turned to my side, sighing contentedly as I snuggled again.


I woke slowly, becoming aware of sounds around me - an owl hooting in the trees outside, traffic passing by on the street, and someone breathing slowly and steadily behind me - while my eyes remained closed and my limbs felt too heavy to move. Something warm and firm was wrapped around me; I was pretty sure it was benign. All's good, I thought, and allowed myself to drift off again.

Next time I woke much quicker and was instantly more alert, aware that the pillow under my head was rising and falling regularly. Opening my eyes I discovered I was wrapped around Ben, my head nestled on his shoulder. The amount and quality of light in the room indicated it was early morning still and when I sat up slightly to look at my bedside clock it confirmed the time as four thirty. Peeling back the covers slowly and carefully so as not to disturb him, I went to the bathroom to answer a call of nature then brushed my teeth and removed the clothes I was still wearing from last night. As I padded quietly back to the bedroom I saw my handbag and keys on the table together with dark objects I assumed to be Ben's jacket and bowtie. His white shirt and trousers were on the chair next to the bed, I noticed, slipping back in beside him.

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