66 - There's Only One Thing Wrong

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"What's up with Jake and Marcus?" I looked past Rick to where the two men appeared to be arguing, their voices slowly getting louder and louder. Glancing around, I noticed a few other faces turning their way and knew something needed to be done before it got out of hand. "Maybe we should..."

"Yeah, I'm on it." Rick hurried over there and stepped between them, talking quietly but urgently to both. I saw Marcus shrug and nod, holding out a hand to shake to Jake, who only scowled and turned away, stomping towards where our kit sat waiting to be taken on stage. We were at Hyde Park, readying for our spot at the British Summer Time event; Neil Young and Crazy Horse were headlining later tonight and I was just one of many smaller acts filling in the day for the thousands who came to enjoy a mix of music, film, literature and sport. Earlier in the week the newly reunited The Libertines had played to a near-capacity crowd of sixty thousand and huge crowds were expected again tonight.

"Is everything okay?" I asked Marcus when he came over.

"It was nothing," he muttered, "Just Jake being Jake."

"What does that mean?" I frowned.

Marcus shrugged. "He's been like a bear with a sore head for the last couple of weeks." I was astonished to hear that. "Since the Henley Festival – haven't you noticed it at rehearsals?" I hadn't, and that concerned me; where had my head been? As if reading my thoughts, he patted my shoulder. "You've been busy with wedding things, I wouldn't..."

"Oh shit," Rick muttered and we both turned to him to say "What?" Looking around before speaking, he said, "Henley's when you told Jake and Marcus about the wedding date being all set."

"Yes." I waited for more, not seeing any connection.

Rick looked at me intently. "Have you spoken to Megan lately?"

"I rang her the other day." Megan was currently in Madrid but would be back this week; I thought of our telephone conversation three days before and her answer when I'd asked how things with Jake were going.

"And?" Rick prompted.

"She said things with Jake were kind of...stalled. Do you think that's it, he's frustrated because of how things are between them?" Rick and Marcus exchanged looks and I sighed. "Okay, you obviously think I'm missing something – what is it?"

"Cara," Marcus took over the explanation while Rick shot me a glance I couldn't yet interpret. "Jake got the news of your wedding date two weeks ago and since then he's been obnoxious. You've had your head in the clouds with wedding things and meanwhile, he's cooling off with Megan. Join the dots, sweetie."

"I don't know what you're..." Oh shit. Perhaps I do. "Wait, you think he's..." No, this can't be happening. Not again. "Oh fuck."

"Yep, that pretty much sums it up." Not really in the mood for Rick's droll humour, I grimaced then groaned when Marcus put his arm around my shoulder and pulled me in for a quick hug.

"Come on, let's just get through today, huh? We can worry about other things later."

And worry I did; we all tip-toed figuratively around Jake for the rest of that day and I had trouble meeting his eyes as we packed up and said goodnight. I worried the next day all through my final dress fitting, a visit to Nonna and having a mani-pedi with my friends Annie and Maggie. Talking with Rick by phone did nothing to help when he confirmed he thought Jake still wasn't over me. Worrying kept me from eating much dinner and enjoying the hot bubble bath I ran then got out of within ten minutes. By the time Ben's call came around eleven that night I had worried myself into a headache and was taking paracetamol when the shrill ringtone jarred in my skull.

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