Chapter 2 Return to Her

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//Rin POV//

"Why the hell is that thing chasing me?!!" Rin shouts at the top of his lungs as he is being chased by the rogue demon bull. He continues to be chased down the hill so Rin ran to the right and since the bull couldn't turn to chase him. It trips and starts rolling down the hill, crashing into trees. Rin watches as the bulls rolls down. "Ha! How do you like that?"

Rin sighs and takes deep breath after running so much. But realization struck his head.

"Everyone is here for you, Rin..." Rin remembers that Shiemi said that.

Everyone...people can get hurt if that bull gets to town! Rin looks to see the giant bull pacing towards the town. Oh no! Everyone in town are in trouble!

//Yukio POV//

"Okay, from what I heard. A rogue demon has been spotted around this area." Yukio tells Shiemi, Izumo, Suguro, Konekomaru, and Shima as they were walking outside by the hills in town.

"What kind of demon is it?" Shiemi decided to ask since she was walking beside Yukio and Shura.

"Hmm...Don't know but don't you worry. You got me to take care of you all." Shura smiled. But then something...made Shiemi say something.

"Where is R...?" she muttered the words under her breath. She gasped and stopped walking.

"Hm? Shiemi?" Shura noticed and stopped as else.

"...Did I say something?" Shiemi asked. She couldn't remember what she had said.

"Huh? I didn't hear you say anything, did you say something?" Shura asked confused.

"Oh...nothing!" Shiemi shook her hands up, motioning to forget about it. But she noticed Yukio acting weird, he was standing still...but wasn't looking at her. "Yukio?"

"Shura, get them away now!" Yukio suddenly yelled.

"Huh? What's-" Shura stopped talking and her face turn serious...She turns to look at Shiemi and the others. "All of you get away!"

"Huh?" Suguro said but then everyone could hear massive footsteps sounds. Shiemi looks at the hill to see...a giant, red bull.

"What is that?!" Shiemi gasped.

"A rogue high class demon! Everyone, run!" Yukio yelled as he ran towards the bull shooting bullets. Shura followed after him, Shiemi starts to run with the others. But she couldn't help to worry for Yukio and Shura. She knew they were very strong but something that big...and she turns around to see the bull throw Yukio and Shura to the side with its horns. It starts to run straight towards Shiemi.

"Oh no!" Shiemi cries out as she trips and falls to the ground. Pain evolving into her knees.

"Shiemi!" Izumo appeared in front of her. Covering Shiemi with herself to protect her, using her body to protect Shiemi from the bull.

"Izumo! No!" Shiemi cried but then. The bull was already upon her and Izumo. But-

"RRRAAHHH!" Shiemi heard someone yell. Everyone didn't know whose voice belongs to...but it sounded...familiar to Shiemi. All of a sudden, a boy dressed in black jeans and shirt jump right in front of the bull. Shocking everyone as he grabs on the horns of the bull, but slowing down the bull as his feet digs into the dirt. He is actually stopping it!

"W-What...?" Izumo managed to speak. The boy didn't turn his head to look at them so Shiemi couldn't see his face. But he had pointy ears...something was so familiar about him...she just couldn't remember.

(Rin X Shiemi Book 2) Only HumanWhere stories live. Discover now