Chapter 9 Together Again

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//Ernst POV//

"W-What is this?!" Ernst cried out angrily as the video to see Rin only flying away and the flying demon not able to catch up. A few minutes later, Rin came back in the video and was on the roof with Shiemi.

D-Disgusting! She loves that thing?! Ernst gritted his teeth as he watches the video of Shiemi and Rin kissing.

"This is useless to us! Dispose of it!" Ernst yelled as he took the disc out of the DVD Player and threw it out the door. Believing that one of the Exorcists that is loyal to him was standing there.

Little did he know, Yukio was standing by the door and caught the flying disc. He silently leaves the room before Ernst spotted him.

//Rin POV//

---The Next Morning---

"Rin...Rin...wake up..." Rin heard a soft voice speak to him. He slowly opens his eyes to see Shiemi staring at him and was fully dressed.

"Morning..." Rin smiled as Shiemi bends down and kisses him.

"Morning..." Shiemi greeted back.

"How you sleep?" he asked her.

"I slept like a rock..." Shiemi giggled as she lies back down beside him and in his arms. "I missed sleeping like this."

"Good...I missed it too." Rin grinned.

"So, now what?" Shiemi asked him. Rin looks up at the ceiling and thinks about it.

"Well...I got what I came for." Rin turn to her and kisses her forehead. "...You."

"Oh, Rin." Shiemi said sweetly.

"Now, I have to make the peace treaty...for my mother, my father, everyone...and Fire." Rin tells her.

"Fire would be proud." Shiemi told him.

"I know." Rin says as he sits up. "I better change. We got school today."

"Yeah..." Shiemi whispers. "It's good to be back."

"With you, it sure is." Rin grinned as he grabbed a pair of black pants and a white collar shirt with a black jacket. He quickly changes and turns to face Shiemi for her opinion on his clothes.

"...Hmm...wait." Shiemi said as she walks up to him, she reaches into the drawer and pulls out a red tie. She wraps it under his collar and ties it up. She finished up and turns him around to look at the mirror. He actually likes it.

"Ok..this seems betters." Rin couldn't help but smile.

"Let's go downstairs and eat breakfast." Shiemi tells him.


They walk out of the room and down the stairs to the kitchen. Where everyone was already there. Yukio, Shura, Izumo, Suguro, Shima, and Konekomaru. All of them eating at the table.

"Morning." Shiemi greeted them all.

"Morning, what took you guys so long?" Shima asked.

"Yeah, you sleep together or something?" Shura joked but Shiemi and Rin faces were red when she said that.

"..." Everyone was quiet, confused by their silent until everyone understood.

"EEEEHHHHH?!???!" Everyone yelled. Yukio stood up and charged at Rin.

"Y-Yukio?!" Rin cried out as Yukio grabs him by the collar and shakes him around.

"What the hell were you thinking?! You're underage! And Shiemi!" Yukio turns to look at her. "Just what are you two think you're-"

(Rin X Shiemi Book 2) Only HumanWhere stories live. Discover now