Chapter 6 Lay Down The Armor

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//Rin POV//

"Ugh! I'm bored!" Rin groans as he is stuck in bed in the infirmary. Yukio left to help Shura in whatever he said because Rin wasn't listening. He kept thinking about Shiemi and wonders if she is alright. But he had to concentrate on finding the orb that has Shiemi's memories.

How do I find something that is always moving? But...Rin felt like crying when the thought came through to his head. Does Shiemi want those memories? I's not like this Shiemi and my Shiemi are the same and feel the same about me like I do...

"Shiemi..." Rin wipes his tears that threaten to come out. But that then focus into anger. He sits up and ignores the pain in his shoulder.

NO! No matter matter if she wants to keep the memories or I keep them safe. I OWN Shiemi this! Rin thought angrily. He was so angry at himself...he had always believed that he can keep his girlfriend safe. But he failed and he feels once again weak. But now that he has saved her, he's been gaining a bit of confidences to feel strong again.

"Hello? Rin?" Rin hears someone at the door and he lies back down. He looks at the door and sees that it's...

"Shiemi?!" Rin cried out happily but looks away so she wouldn't see his blushing cheeks. She walked to the room in a P.E. uniform and Rin didn't know what to say to why she is wearing that. So he decides to not ask.

"How are you doing? Are you feeling better?" Shiemi asked.

"Yeah, I'm feeling better. How are you feeling?" Rin asked as he sat up again.

"I'm feeling fine, thank you." Shiemi thanked him. "I...was thinking of going back to the dorms but..."

"But?" Rin asked.

"...I wanted to come visit you, I had to ask you something?" Shiemi asked.

"Ok, ask away." Rin smiled.

"Back in the hall, when that...demon attacked us and you came to rescue us." Shiemi started. "I saw...this...well..."

"What did you see?" Rin asked now worried.

"...A white small. It was floating in the hall when you arrived but it disappeared...when you arrived to protect us." Shiemi said and that leaves Rin quite shocked. The white light...he knows that has to be the white orb, the orb of memories! Shiemi memories!

"...Well..uh..." Rin coughs. "I...I don't know...but I'll keep a eye out for it." Rin smiled.

"Rin...I know you're lying!" Shiemi semi-yelled, shocking Rin.


"I can tell somehow...that you're lying..." Shiemi blushed as Rin slowly stood up from the bed. Her eyes...were so similar to his is his Shiemi. It is always her and still her same old self. "...I don't know why is that...and I feel like I have to tell you this. I know this sounds weird but I feel like I have known you...this...this feeling I feel, it feels like I-"

"Like your heart hurts..." Rin spoke up and she gasped as he walks towards her. "Like every time we see each other, our cheeks are red."

"...Y-Yes..." Shiemi stuttered as he gently holds her shoulder with his hand.

"You feel warm when I hug...right now." Rin tells her as he hugs her. He hears her gasp but she slowly wraps her around him as well...hugging him back.

"...You're warm..." Shiemi told him. "You're right...but how do you know that...about so much about me."

"I...really want to tell you but I can't." Rin felt sorry for keeping everything from her.

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