Chapter 15

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//Rin POV//

---One Year Later---

"Shiemi! Let's go on a date!" Rin yelled as he runs up the stairs of the dorms.

"Another date?" Shiemi asked as she stood inside their room.

"Yeah!" Rin grins like a little kid. Shiemi sighs and smiles.

"'re lucky I don't have to work today." She said.

"I do I!" Rin grins.

It's been a year after Ernst has been arrested and the peace treaty was signed. Though it took a while for humans to understand about demons living among them...some were getting used to it. Life has been hard but it is going where Rin wanted it...everyone getting along and becoming friends. Some demons are cruel, no urging with that. But some are great and some are good to kids! Humans are growing a custom in living with Shiemi and Rin are planning to do.

" ok?" Rin asked his girlfriend as she seemed to drift off in thought.

"Huh? Did you say something, Rin?" Shiemi asked.

"I said are you ok?" Rin asked.

"Oh, I'm fine." Shiemi smiles but Rin pouts.

"Okay, but please, if there is something wrong. You can tell me." Rin tells her and she hugs him.

"I know and don't worry, it's nothing." Shiemi said with a sweet tone before pulling away. "Really, it's nothing."

" know what...let's go right now. We both had been stressed with work." Rin suggested and she agrees with a nod.

"Maybe you're right...let's go." Shiemi agrees and they kiss. They pull away and walk out the dorms to have their date.

They walked down the road towards the restaurant they enjoy to have dinner. Summer breezing the air and kids running around with little demons to play with. Families walking around calmly with demons or Exorcists. Rin feels glad so he starts a conversation with his girlfriend.

"'s work?" Rin asked as they hold hands.

"It's been good...but working at a restaurant filled with screaming kids aren't fun." Shiemi smiles weakly.

"Yeah...but working in mechanics isn't fun either when there are people yelling at you all the time." Rin groans.

"You need to let that go...they just don't know you. Ignore them...I wish Yukio and Shura were here to tell us what to do." Shiemi pouts.

Around the middle of the year, Shura and Yukio decided to move up-state where Yukio was promoted for a better job at another Exorcist academy and Shura had an ongoing job there as well. It was there where Rin had gotten a phone call from his twin brother. Hearing that Shura and him will be living there and Shura was pregnant. Thus receiving a happy screams from Rin, happy to know that he was going to be a uncle. Shiemi was on an all good mood for the rest of the week when she heard the news. For Christmas was when Yukio and Shura will come back to celebrate the holiday and Rin's and Yukio's birthday as well.

"They'll be here in two more days...don't worry." Rin said as he pats Shiemi's head.

"I know...but you're almost done with the Academy, you and I will graduate...what do we do then?" Shiemi asked and Rin thinks about it. He snaps his fingers together as an idea pops into his head.

"I got it! We move in together!" Rin said.

"Eh?!" Shiemi gasped.

"We were talking about buying a house, remember? We'll start small...we get an apartment...I get a good paying job. We save up...and bam! We buy a house!" Rin yelled. Shiemi's eyes shined brightly and she smiles happily.

(Rin X Shiemi Book 2) Only HumanWhere stories live. Discover now