Chapter 11 Hey, batter batter

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//Rin POV//

"Come here, Kuro. I'm going to feed you the best meal you have ever hand!" Rin tells his familiar and causing Kuro to jump up and down. Shiemi is right behind him, hugging him from behind.

"Yeah! Food! Food!" Kuro cheered.

It's been a day since Shura was kidnapped and rescued by Rin. Ernst was now a wanted man for his actions and is on the run. Shura explained that they have a small lead on him and she is quite happy to send his ass to prison. Michelle had dispatched a group of Exorcist to do night search parties for the old man. But so far, they haven't caught Ernst or his followers yet.

"Rin, do you want me to do something in the kitchen with you?" Shiemi smiled as she rests her head on his shoulder. He looks over his shoulder and smiles back to her.

"No. I got it." Rin replies. "You just sit down."

"Alright." Shiemi sighs as she walks and sits down at the table. Rin walks to the kitchen and starts to cook.

"Hey, Shiemi." Rin asked for his girlfriend attention.

"Yes?" Shiemi called out.

"Sense Michelle is having Ernst wanted for arrest today. I was wondering if you like to go eat dinner with me tomorrow?" Rin asked a bit nervous. Despite that they are a couple again and close to being married, he still feels nervous.

"Huh? A date you mean?" Shiemi asked and she walks to the kitchen and towards her boyfriend.

"Well...yeah...I mean, if you like to go on a date...I'm okay with it-" Rin stops talking as Shiemi placed her hands on his cheeks and kisses his forehead.

"Of course I would like to go on a date with you." Shiemi smiled and Rin grins back to her.

"Ok...let's eat our food." Rin tells her and hugs her by the waist. He kisses her softly and they separate so Shiemi can go sit back at the table. Rin finishes preparing the food and places them in the bowls. One small one with the food stacked up for Kuro. The other two medium size ones for him and Shiemi, the scent of the food made Kuro mouth drool as he eyes his meal in Rin's hand.

"Here you go, Kuro." Rin grinned as he placed Kuro's food right in front of him. Kuro's eyes were stars as he continues to drool. He quickly looks at Rin and smiles.

"Thank you, Rin!" Kuro meowed as he slammed his meal into his food. Rin chuckles as he sits down beside Shiemi and gives her the bowl with her meal.

"Thank you, Rin." Shiemi thanked him for her meal and she grabs chopsticks to eat. Rin only nods as he grabs a fork and digs into his meal.

//Shiemi POV//

---3 Hours Later---

"Tag! You're it!" Shiemi heard little kids shout as she, Rin, and the others. Suguro, Izumo, Shima, and Konekomaru. Everyone was at the park where little kids were running around in the playgrounds. They were at the baseball field, Shiemi was holding a baseball glove and Rin's baseball cap.

"Here, batter. Batter." Shiemi smiled as Rin walks to the base with the bat. It was his turn to hit.

"Oh, crap!" Suguro was the pitcher. "Damn it, I'm making sure that you can't hit this ball. A-hole!"

"Ha! We'll see!" Rin smirks as he positions the bat, ready to hit.

"Go Rin!" Shiemi cheered for her boyfriend. Rin looks over his shoulder to look at her and smiles.

(Rin X Shiemi Book 2) Only HumanWhere stories live. Discover now