1-When you meet Smile

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Emma POV

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Emma POV

I was walking in the forest.
The sky was dim and it was a chilling night, when I heard a low growl from behind me. I turned around. Nothing was there.
Brushing it off,
I sighed and looked up at the sky.
I needed to start heading home, as I had been out here originally to go out exploring.
I looked around, noticing I forgot how I got here.

I just moved to Texas from Wisconsin. It was definitely much warmer and dry here.
I found with the 6 hours I had been here...I didn't quite like it.

Any way,
here I was, lost and I didn't know where I was. I looked around. Spinning around and around like a stupid person. I checked my pockets to see if I had my phone. Nope! I was about scream for help when I heard a howl. I looked toward the direction it came from. It sounded like a wounded dog.
Not wanting to leave it, I saw a shadow of what looked like a very large dog walk behind a tree. I walked up to the tree and heard heavy breathing. I looked around the tree to find a dog  with a huge smile. It had a red face..disregarding the unnatural color, I looked closer at the teeth.
They looked human almost.

I stupidly walked closer to the wild dog, some people would be terrified of a dog like this. I'll admit.. I was a bit hesitant..but I didn't want it to be in pain.

I looked down at the dog,
it smiled painfully.
I slowly sat in front of the dog.
He laid on his side, to reveal a bullet wound in his side.
I gasped, not knowing what to do.
I racked my brain with videos I had seen and advice I had been given when dealing with wounds...but I couldn't think of anything.
The dogs high pitched whining brought my mind back to reality.

"Hey..Uhhhhh..... Smile? I need to take you to a vet or something. I don't know anything about this."
I told him reassuringly as I reached towards him cautiously.
He perked up when I said Smile, Then played dead and growled when I said Vet. I tried to pick him up. It's like he weighed 100 pounds. Sucking up The heaviness,
I carefully shrugged him on my shoulders and stood up holding him.

"Hey Smile by any chance do you know how to get out? Of course you don-" My sentence was stopped short when I saw a guy with a white hoodie running toward me. I tried running the other direction, then Smile jumped out of my arms, causing me to fall. I heard the persons foot steps getting closer. I grabbed Smile and covered myself over him to protect him from the crazy guy chasing us. I felt a cold blade on the back of my neck.

Smile wiggled out from under me and from my grasp. He growled quietly and whined. I felt the blade come off my neck, and then get lifted in the air. I looked in to the guy's eyes. They were black and barley had any eyelids and he a smile carved in his face like joker's but much wider and bigger.

He dropped me on the floor and Smile came running to me. I stroked his tattered and worn fur coat and hugged him. " You're OK!" I exclaimed to the dog.
I looked at his side the bullet hole, it was still there.
I built up the courage, and stood in fount of the white hooded man, as he and the dog seemed to be aquatinted, and asked. " Could you please help this dog." I took a breath. "H-h-he I think got shot..his side is injured." I looked at the stranger. He looked calmly at the dog and knelt down in front of the dog and scratched his ears. "Trying to get attention, Smile buddy?" He asked in a low rough voice. I looked at the dog's side the wound was gone.

"You know this dog?" I asked

"Well done Sherlock! Yes, he's my dog, stupid. his name is Smile. If it weren't for him you'd be sleeping." He growled.

"Well ok." I turned the opposite direction.

"You have no idea where you are going do you?" He asked.

I turned to him " Well where am I suppose to be going." I asked.

"follow me."  He mumbled.

I rolled my eyes and looked at Smile. He smiled wider and gave me puppy eyes, and started to follow the guy. I followed the 2 guys reluctantly, Ignoring all the stuff I learned about strangers and weird people.

If it weren't for This dumb ol' dog...
I wouldn't be following a guy that is trying to kill me I thought.

((Ah ha... I just realized how cringe worthy this book really is. I guess I'll do some re editing?))

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