7- The Friend Be Call'n, The Other Be Lying

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After along day at school I decided to call my friend in Wisconsin, Jewel. I got my IPad and face timed her.

"Hey Emma It's great to hear and see you. How is school. I heard you were missing.Did you meet any one?"

"Uhhhhh....good to see you to, boring, What?!, and no." I answered (The answers were in order she asked)

"Ok, I have no idea what we both just said." Jewel laughed. I chuckled.

"Emma your parents called us the day you got there and said you were missing.TELL. ME. EVERYTHING!" she yelled at me at the last part.

"I uh.. was walking in the woods and got lost and came home. The door was locked so I went in through my window." I sighed.

"What if you were in the Slender woods that would be cool." Jewel said thoughtfully

" What!? I mean yeah it w-w-would be cool." I laughed nervously.

"Emma what up?" Jewel asked.

"The sky, Duh." I said smartly.

"Seriously, Wait did you meet the Creepypasta's or Slendy?" She squealed/gasped.

I thought hard of an excuse. Actress time! " STOP SAYING THAT NAME!! THE CREEPYPASTA'S ARE NOT REAL!! THEY ARE LITTLE KID STORES THAT THIS STUPID PERSON MADE UP!I HATE THEM" I yelled. I was scared from my own voice. It hurt for me to say that. I put my head in my knees, my arms covering, and cried. Not for the reason Jewel thought. I cried because of what I said.

"Emma" Jewel said softly." What happened?"

I picked my head up and and sniffled. " I-I-I was at school, Drawing a Creepypasta picture. One of the girls came up to me and pretty much said to me what I said to you." I sniffled.

"Emma You can't let anyone do that to you. Stand up for yourself." Jewel said sternly.

" Just please don't mention that name around me." I pleaded.

" O-OK Emma calm down, I promise I won't" Jewel said.

I ended the call, and took a deep breath and flopped on my bed. I heard a knock on my window. It was Jeff. I ran to the window and pulled Jeff and Smile in.

"Man you are a good actor. You had us going there." Jeff smiled.

"Really?" I said. Pleased with my self.

"Yeah for a moment I really thought you hated us. Why did you cry?" Jeff asked

"Well it really hurt me to say those things. Anyways why are you in here?" I asked.

"Well since I am am on duty with smile I thought you might need someone to talk to. You seem kinda down." He looked down at the rug and rubbed the back of his neck.

Jeff and I talked all night I went down stairs to get some food. Smile sat in my lap I strokes his soft fur.

I fell asleep with me snuggling with Smile. and Jeff sitting on the other side of the bed.

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