13- the redhead

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Amber the redhead POV

man that girl was strange, to emotional for my liking. But I listened to her to find the house. I looked at the girl who was cradled in my arms. She smelled horrible but she was barely breathing. "Come on don't die on me girl!' i yelled. I need strength and speed to get her out of the woods. Suddenly I felt power run through out me. "Ug this feels weird...what is this.....I-i-i- feel like...hmmm i wonder." I said. I put the girl on my back and tied her arms on my neck with some extra string, then I held her legs around my waist. I ran like crazy(*SONIC*gotta go fast,gotta go fast, go fast. go fast. fast. fast. ), i ran faster than normal and I  made it out out of the forest. "H-How did I-i-i- Do that?" I wondered. I shook my head either way i had to get this girl better. I walked around some houses trying to find the one the emotional girl was talking about. "Where am I?" I heard the girl on my back say. "Hello, I am Amber and currently I am trying to help you. What's your name?" I asked as sweetly as i could, as I kept walking. "Oh my name is..violet ." She said sleeply.

I continued to walk when i saw a glimmer in the corner of my eye. I turned to see a 2 story house with a bright red door with a huge dolphin in the front. It was the description that girl gave me!!! I ran to the house still not knowing if I should trust them. 'It's worth a try right?' I said to myself as i reached to knock on the door. 

KNOCK KNOCK KNOCK!! The door opened to reveal a nice looking lady. her eyes met mine then flickered to Violet who was on my back. She gasped and pulled me into her home. "What happened to this poor girl? It's a good thing i am a doctor" The woman said, as we both set her on the nearest couch.Then the lady started to wash Violets wounds. "Well, I found her somewhere, then I saw this girl and she said for me to come her. She said she was your daughter." The woman stopped dabbing( XD lol ) the cloth on violets wounds, and looked at me. "Is she all right?! Where is she?!?!" She said desperate, she shook her head then continued paying attention to violets wounds.  "I-I-I cant T-T-T-tell you that." I said. She sighed " J-j-just tell me.....is she alright?"     

  I couldn't answer that question. I didn't know how to. So i lied hoping it was true. "yes, yes she is." The women smiled."Ok thanks, Well I am almost done with..-"violet" Violet's wounds. I told her my name was Amber and turns out her last name is Mrs.Skylar. 

"Please stay here and rest. You can sleep in my daughters Emma's room,"She said.I nodded in return 

When They Protect YouDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora