8-BEN Meeting The Parents

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I woke up the next morning feeling fur. It was so soft. I starting petting the soft fur. I opened my my eyes seeing smile dog in front of me. I wanted to stay in bed forever. I then heard a big crash downstairs. I jumped up Smile by my side. We ran downstairs ,and saw pizza on the floor and BEN in the middle. "Uh morning?" BEN laughed nervously. I laughed and started picking up the pizza.  "Jeff went home, it's my turn to watch, and your parents are at work." BEN told me. "It's Saturday! Hey BEN want to play video games." I asked putting the last of the pizza up. "Uh.Yeah. DUH." BEN said as he ran into the living room. He turned the TV on and we started playing games. Smile went up to my room.

I looked at the clock 8:00 pm. We have played since 7:00 am-8:00 pm. Wow. 

I heard my parents come in the drive way. I looked over to BEN. He looked at me a smirked. "Do you mind if I meet your parents?" he asked. "I wouldn't mind but wouldn't it be bad if you went looking like that?" I asked. He got up and went to the kitchen. The door swung open,and my parents walked in. "Hey sweetie, did you have a good day?" Mom asked. " uh yeah, I have a friend over. He is in the kitchen I hope you don't mind." I said holding my breath. " He?" Dad asked. At that moment BEN came walking out. I looked at his face he looked normal, other than his clothes. "Hello Mr. and Mrs. Crimson, My name is BEN I am pleased to meet you." BEN said holding his hand out. My parents shook his hand, nodding their heads. "So, what did you guys do today." Dad asked. "We played video games. He is a pro at he beat my highest score in Zelda, he also beat me in Just Dance, and is really good in Black ops, (pretty much all of the games)" I said. He looked at the time. "Oh I have to go! I loved getting to meet your parents." BEN said. He hugged me bye and left. "He is so nice dear, where did you meet him?" Mom asked. "Well I saw him when I was walking today, and we talked a little while and then we were friends." I said. My parents smiled. "We are glad you made a new friend." They hugged me. mom was sniffling.

"Ok, Well I already had dinner. I am going to bed." I yawned, and trudged up stairs.

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