17- drunk jeff

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[sry about the title it's a little strange and i feel uncomfortable  around the 'drunk' word but I thought it would be kinda funny...to me anyway.. onward!]

Jane POV 

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Jane POV 

I am glad Amber is back. I hope Emma, I mean Stitches and Amber get along.  Yeah Emma is no more she is now a Creepypasta I am happy now that Emma is now Stitches the creepypasta. It was weird having a human girl an EMOTIONAL human girl here for a while. I liked her from the beginning. She had the right traits and everything, but she needed training. So SMILE, Jeff, BEN, LJ, Slendy, and I trained her the best we could she did very well In fact 

Emma/Stitches  took only half a day. 

I took 3 days

Jeff took around 1 day  [ -_-]

BEN took  3 1/2

Lui took 4 1/2

SMILE took i believe 1 1/2, 

Slender he learned in less than 1 second

But Amber took the least out all of us other than Slender. She only took 10 seconds. She was an absolute natural. Jeff was very jealous of how  short it took for Amber to become a true pasta, so they would fight all the time. 

My thoughts disappeared, to hearing someone calling my name[like hey mama mamaaa Jk >XD].
"Jane are you all right?  Are you thinking about something?" said Amber. I smiled "Yeah I am fine. I was just thinking about how Stitches came right after you for 'how long it takes you to be a pasta'. She laughed, "That was funny. I remember the look on Jeff's face when we got my results it was priceless.' I rolled my eyes,chuckling remembering that time. "Yeah Me, Lui, and Masky had to restrain you while BEN, LJ, EJ, and Hoodie were restraining Jeff so you guys wouldn't kill each other." She laughed. We changed and put on our PJ's  we really don't sleep but hey they are really comfy. Amber sat in my chair as I pulled another egg chair out of my HUGE walk in closet. We sat and chatted. "So where's the new girl?" Amber asked coldly. I feel like she is jealous but I can be sure. "Oh she is just going uhh out with someone at the moment." her head snapped in my direction "Who? I am intrigued!" She asked a little demented like. I laughed "Don't worry it's not Lui, Actually it's Jeff. But what is sad is [don't tell anyone]  that BEN has a tiny crush on her too. But she and Jeff are together right now. But I think Stitches deserves someone better. If I do say so myself."
Then Lui burst though my closed door, comes running in and then closed the door locking it behind him. Amber and I screamed as we threw pillows at him too get out. There was banging on the door and laughter on the other side. "Let us in Lui!!" Jeff laughed. Stitches agreed "Yeah let us in come on we won't do anything." They laughed banging on the door. Amber smiled and walked to  the door and cracked it opened. "What did Lui, do this time." She asked, playfully. Stitches cleared her throat "Well Lui here was spying on you girls while you were talking, so after Jeff and I came in and then we saw that. We talked to him.-" jeff: >:D" And it ended up to where Jeff and I were chasing him >:D" Amber and I got really red. He heard what we were saying?!?! Amber went to Lui and smiled gently. Lui tried scooting up against the wall to get away from her. She started at him and said with a sweet chilly and creepy voice. " SooooooOOOOooo you were spying on us? HmmmmmmMMMM. ooook!" She picked him up and went with him to who knows where. Stitches sat on my egg chair while Jeff sat in the other. "NOOOPE, JEFF GET OUTTA MA ROOM NOW."I pointed to the door. He didn't budge. "Ohh am I sorry do you not know simple English." I step in front of him and point to the door. "Riiight there is my door, It's calling your name. So don't keep it waiting." He looked at me, is he drunk? "Y-yeah I hear the door calling me, I am coming door WAIT!!HA!" he lazily got up and staggered around. "Ha, I-I-I -I am coming door! j-j-j-just wait!" He made it to the hallway and then we heard a big THUMP. Stitches and I busted out laughing. "Hahaha I hahaha Should hahah go help hahaha him." She said. I nodded Or leave him there..I thought. I shook my head at both boys stupidity tonight. She walked out of the room still chuckling. Dragging Jeff to his room. 

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