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Emma POV 

"Amber snap the hell out of it!"

I yell at her.

She was holding lui by the scruff of his shirt.

Her head snapped to the side to stare at me.

She laughed.

"Who's Amber? Oh that girl? The Pasta girl? Ha stupid stop wasting my time. I need to kill all you guys..rid the world of all you..murders. I mean you are all disgusting pests who's time has run out! Now let's start with you sweetie!!"

She starts running to me, dropping lui on the floor.

I kick her straight in the face.

"Cut it out!"

I dash to the other side of the room.

She throws a knife.

My eyes widen, I look into Amber bright yellow golden eyes, once playful, crazy, cold, smirkish, and cool. now dull and un-amused.

the blade comes closer..I hear static and something slammed against me sending me crashing to the floor.

Still those eyes..weren't hers.

"Watch out you idiot."

I see that Jeff was standing in front of me, and slender in front of him, the knife held in his tentacle like things.

'amber' smirched when seeing slender.

She charged, he teleport. 

He tried attacking her, she doged and rejected his attack?!

I sighed turning to Jeff.

"I know as a really good friend I should be worried and what not but she is really irritating the crap out of me right now! I mean like really..she thinks she is all that, and make everything so freaking dramatic..."

"So whatcha say we try our best to get rid of this pest.."

"Hmmm like it..but...she still IS Amber..somewhere deep down inside."

"come on Emma don't go cheesy on me now..You know I have trouble with my sanity..and I am a cold heart ed killer...."

"wow thanks for the info."

"If you guys are done..we need to help slendy."

Ben said coming in between us.

Jane and sally, ej, lj, etc stated coming too.

"Well has there been this many when you tried beating him last time?"

"Yep all of us including Amber, dis including you. But he manged to beat all of us. Not before Slender banned him from stepping any where close to us, with a barrier..but it somehow broke."

I nodded, hearing what Jane had said

"Now your making slender look bad and weak."

Ben said shaking his head and finger at Jane.

death glares filled there faces.

"Less time fighting..and more time fighting.........with slender."

Sally said laughing nervously, then soon being replaced with a murderous smile on her face.

The same smile came on everyone faces as they walked, getting there weapons and charging at her teleporting body.

I on the other hand watched.


I yelled, 

"Ah smart one you are!"

I heard behind me, as a hand clapped around my mouth then dragged me into darkness.

Janes POV


Emma yelled,

"Ah smart one you are!"

My eyes widened as the real Amber appeared behind her in a flash, she wrapped her hand around her mouth.

Emma's eyes fluttered closed.

"Byee catcha later!"

Amber said before disapeering in thin air.


I yelled running to where she was.

I ran to Jeff who was near.

"We gotta help her!"

"girls are too dramatic..anyways Emma can take care of herself...but we need to find her in case it leads to you-know-who."

My eyes widen.

LJ starts laughing.

"wow so you are a little smart..wow jeff..i didn't even know you ACTUALLY thought about things!"

"Shut up!"

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