9-The News Pt.1

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I went to my room Smile was not there. So I turned my laptop and headphones on to see if I had any comments on my new book. I immediately jumped back seeing a boys face. I looked closer it was BEN. I clutched my chest, breathing deeply, while BEN was laughing his head off. I shook my head."What do you want BEN?" I grumbled. "Slender wants me to tell you he is coming over." BEN said smiling like the idiot he is. "Why?" "Just go with it ok, I'll tell him it's alright""BEN wai-" I said but the screen turned black before I could finish. I ran and locked my door so my parents wouldn't come in. I froze I heard a static sound. I turned to see Slender crouching to my height. "Child we need to have a talk." Slendy said. I nodded my head and I walked to the end of my bed. "I think you will need someone to hug, or what ever you humans do when your sad." He snapped his slender finger. When Smile dog popped in thin air and plopped onto my lap. He licked me all over my face I couldn't help but giggle. Smile stopped and smiled at me sadly. Then LJ, EJ, Jeff, Jane, and BEN came in through my open window they all sadly waved at me, except Jeff. He smiled deviously. I was so confused."What going on I asked?" Smile tensed up and snuggled closer to me. I put my arms around him and started to stroke his soft fur.


Hey I know this is SUPER short but I want it to be a cliff hanger. I have no idea what is going to happen so I might be changing the story. So i am running of of ideas. So yeah. Happy late Halloween or early Halloween.

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