6-The Night Before....School

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I sighed as they all climbed out the window. I closed it and went to my bathroom to change in to my PJ's. Overprotective much? Man this is going to be really strange. I really don't need them doing this. I think I am totally capable of myself. Emma, stop worrying about this. right now you have to defeat your worst enemy.........School. (Sorry if you really like school.) I made sure I had everything before I went to bed, but I don't ever think I'll get use to the feel someone is watching me.

I woke up and looked at the time. Fudge! It was 8:15 I am suppose to be there at 8:25. I rushed to get ready. I ran down stairs, swallowed a piece of toast , grabbed my backpack, and ran out the door. I walked up to the bus stop seeing the bus coming. When I got pulled to the side where I saw Jeff. But he looked different. He had sunglasses on and a mouth/nose mask. "Emma get in the car, I am driving you to school." Jeff said as he opened the door for me to get in. I hesitantly got in the black and red Jeep Wrangler. It was a silent ride. He asked me where the school was, I told him where it was. He dropped me off. I put my hand on the handle and looked at Jeff to say thank you. We both just stared at each other. I felt a tingling sensation in my stomach, I blushed and quickly said thank you, shut the door and went to school. (ca315326 because of her love for Jeff)

I went to the front offices to get a map ans schedule. My first class was Gym. I sighed and trudged to the class. I opened the door and was immediately was knocked in the face with a doge ball. I sighed again this is going to be a long day.

When They Protect Youحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن