°The Bet°: Prologue

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Why did I have to make that stupid bet? Why?!


"Hey guys, I have a little proposition for ya." I told the twins.

"What is it?" They asked in unison.

"Wanna make a bet?" They gave each other a look before answering.

"What's the bet?" Hikaru asked.

"Well, if you can make Kyoya cry by the time hosting hours are over, then I'll be your servant for a week. If not, then you'll be my servant for a month." They whispered something to each other before speaking with mischievous grins on their faces.

"Deal! In fact we'll do it now." They said walking to Kyoya. Out of thin air Kaoru pulled out a peeled onion, put it in front of Kyoya' s nose, therefore making cry.
All I could think of at the moment was, 'Oh Fuck, what have I done?!'

"So you can come to our house tomorrow and stay over until the week is over, kay?" I just stood there gaping, and nodded. This is gonna be a long week.

And yes it was.

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