°Mature Games Pt.2°

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A/n: Just a reminder, I won't post and lemons on my Wattpad. Cause, I'm bad at them and what if my mom magically logs into my account and sees it? Just something to think about. ;)

Continuing the story...


"Oh you'll see," Kaoru said while Hikaru smirked.

"Shitballs." I said under my breath. There are 2 ways you play doctor.
1: Innocent, child-like way, or
2: A naughty, perverted way

I don't think they're gonna do the first one. I really don't wanna play this game especially with a pair of perverts.

Kaoru pulls me into another room while, I assume Hikaru is grabbing stuff for the game. Kaoru sits me down on a bed and stares at me. I start to notice and say, "Yes?". He then smiles.

"We're gonna eat you up like a cupcake." He had a dead serious face on.

"Uhhh....." I wanted to laugh so hard but I thought if I did he would
'Eat me up'. But, suddenly he started dying laughing. I had the most confused look on my face.

"S-sorry, heheheh, I just wanted to see your reaction. My bad?" He chuckled. I punched his arm, playfully.

"Idiot." I smiled. "You know, you are kinda cute, sometimes, Kaoru." He blushed and REALLY HARD. It was hilarious.

"Awwwwweeeee, little Kaoru Chan is blushiiiiiinnngggg, how cute!!" This made his blush darken.

"You're even cuter when you blush." I pinched his cheeks and drained all the color out of them. Oh well.
Just in time, Hikaru came in with lots of pill, bandages, knives, and syringes?!

"Uhh, what are you doing with those?" I asked.

"Don't worry, its plastic," he told me. I internally let out a breath. Thank God.

"Shall we get started, Doctor Kaoru? Our patient has been waiting." Kaoru nodded, blushing slightly.

Hikaru grabbed my arm and told me that I had to take my shots. Now, I was terrified for 3 reasons.
1: I don't like shots
2: The syringes looked highly real for some reason
3: ShotS?! With an S. Which means PLURAL! *shivers*

He pretended to give me a shot and thankfully it was fake. They gave me a few more shots and I got bored.

"Soooo, how is this mature?" They smirked.

"We'd thought you'de never ask." Kaoru said while sliding a hand up my thigh. A gasped and Hikaru laid me down on the bed.

"W-what are you doing?"

"Just relax." Hikaru said. He started sucking on my collarbone and quickly made his way down to my neck. I felt a bite on the other side of my neck and saw Kaoru nibbling at my bare skin. I was trapped and couldn't get out. If I struggled, they would cling onto me, tighter. Surprisingly, a little part of me liked this special treatment, especially since it was from them.

A few minutes later, they stopped and said in unison, "Is that enough maturity for you?" The two then left the room and left me on the bed with
my hair a mess and marks all over my neck.

I really wanna go home, now, but maybe later.

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