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Night 1 *sigh* Stupid perverted twins.

"Oi, Maid Chaaaan!" I ran up to their room to see what they wanted.

"What do you want?" I asked annoyed.

"Run our bath water, and get our pajamas out." Hikaru said.

"Do you wanna join us?" Eww they bathe together?

"...Thanks but, no thanks."

"Suit yourself." He said.


The two took a bath without requesting me to do any unsanitary things. But, now comes the hard part. Bedtime.

They both got into their king sized bed, and Hikaru requested that I read them both a bedtime story.

"What are guys, 5? You're too old to be read bedtime stories."

"That's an order!" They said in unison.

"Fine." I sighed. Didn't have to go all Black Butler on me. I tried to make up a story that'll get their nerves bad. And this is what I got.

"Once upon a time, there was a pretty princess named Y/n. She was locked up in a tower surrounded by two twin dragons: Hikaru and Kaoru. The two wouldn't let her get out for some idiotic reason.
But then, a prince named Alois comes to save her from the vicious dragon."

The two had jealousy in their eyes.

"Alois slashed the dragons' throats and rescued the princess. They got married, had three kids and lived happily ever after. The.End.

"Hold up, why are we the bad guys?" Hikaru asked, irritated.

"Just cause." I answered.

"And who's Alois?"

"The cutest anime character ever."

"Even cuter than us?"
They asked with a devilish grin.

"Of course."


"Goodnight." I said walking to the door but, only to be stopped by Hikaru.

"Aren't you forgetting something?" He asked mischieviously. I blushed and shook my head, for I knew exactly what he was talking about.

"You have to give your masters a goodnight kiss." Kaoru said.

"Or else you'll be punished"

"F-fine!" I yelled. I bent down and gave Hikaru a kiss on the cheek. He blushed and seemed to be please. I went to the other side of the bed to give Kaoru one, but tripped and accidentally kissed him on the lips. He grabbed my wrists to keep me from getting away and tried to deepen the kiss. But, fortunately I was I bit stronger than him and got loose from his grasp then ran out the room, gasping for air.


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