°Mature Games°

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Day 4:*sigh*

I woke up to make the twins their breakfast. Wow, I am really taking this bet seriously, huh. I made some pancakes and covered it all in syrup cause I know how much they love it like that.

I walked up to their room with the food and opened the door. They were both sleeping in their bed. I set the pancakes down and yanked the cover off their bodies. The twins opened their eyes instantly and looked annoyed, but smiled when I shoved their breakfast in their faces.

They both shoved large pieces of pancake in their mouthes like it was their first meal ever. In a matter of seconds, they were done. SECONDS! How is that even possible?! I took the plates was about to go to bit kitchen, but I was interrupted by Hikaru.

"Wait, Maid Chan! We wanna play!" He yelled.

"First of all, you guys literally just woke up and second of all, you guys play really immature games so, I'm not playing." I sighed.

"No, we don't!" Kaoru said.

"Yes, ya do."

"No, we don't!" Said Hikaru.

"Prove it." I told them.

"Fine!" They yelled in unison, then started whispering. I took this time to go wash the two dirty plates.

What if they mess with me and make up an even more immature game. I bet they would. I hear Kaoru call my name so I run upstairs and go into the room.

"We've decided what we're gonna play." They said in unison.

"And what is that?" I ask.

"Doctor!!" They yell in unison, again.

"Guys! Have you been listening to me?! How is Doctor a mature game?"

"Oh, you'll see." Hikaru told me, while Kaoru smirked.

To Be Continued...

(A/n): I hate when people put
'To be continued' when they write something, but I just couldn't resist. XD
This was supposed to be extended, but I'm lazy. But I'm going to publish the extended part in a week, maybe.

Stay Kawaii,  

The Bet~Hitachiin Twins x ReaderDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora