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Why did Winter Break have to start this week?

I was standing in front of the Hitachiin household deciding if I should knock on the door or leave immediately. But before I could do anything, the door slammed right open.

(A/N If a statement is underlined, that means that the twins are speaking in unison.)

"(Y/n) Chaaaan!" The twins yelled in excitement.

"Hey, guys." I say, unamused.

"Come in (Y/n) Chan," Hikaru said letting me inside. "Or should we say, Maid Chan." Kaoru added. When he wanted to, Kaoru can be a little mischievous, too.

I took a seat on their sofa and the twins took a seat on each side of me, making me sandwiched in between them. To say that I was comfortable, was a lie.

"So, what do you guys want me to do while I'm here?"

"We're so glad that you asked us Maid Chan-"

"Don't call me Maid Chan."

"So, Maid Chan, we let all of our maids and butlers have the week off, and since our parents are on a fashion tour for the month, we'll be all alone." That last part made me shiver.

"So, (Y/n) Chan, we've made some rules for you to follow while your here." Kaoru said.

"Rule#1: Always listen to your masters.

Rule#2: Wear what your masters give you.

Rule#3: You are the cook in the house.

Rule#4: Don't talk back.

Rule#5: You must give your masters a goodnight kiss every night.

Rule#6: You must give your masters a bath every-


"Disregard Rule#6" Kaoru said, chuckling.

New Rule #6: You must not call your masters by their name. You must call us 'Master' or if you don't like that name, call us 'Sexy'.

And Rule#8: If you fail to follow these rules, you will be punished."

I just stood there gaping like an idiot. "Do you really expect me to follow all those rules???"

"You have to, Maid Chan. You don't want to get punished, do you?" Hikaru said with a devilish smirk.

Why TF did I have to make that stupid bet.

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