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After all that happened today, all I wanted was to go to sleep. I opened my drawer to get my pajamas, but the problem was that they weren't there. Instead there was short, lingerie looking night gowns. I ran right into the twins' room with the clothing.

"What's the meaning of this?!" I yelled. They looked my way.

"Oh," Hikaru said, "we decided to get you something more pretty to wear to sleep."

"This isn't pretty, it's slutty!" I told him. "Whatever." I walked back into my room. I'll just wear a shirt and shorts to sleep. I went into my drawer to look for them and only saw dresses. Those assholes must've changed everything in my wardrobe.

The hell with it then, I'll sleep in my bra and underwear and hope that those two won't come in my room in the morning. After I changed, I slipped under my covers and went to sleep.

Dream Time:

I was walking on a beach and there seemed to be a house. I went inside and saw Hikaru and Kaoru.

"Ohh, there she is!" Said Hikaru. He walked up to me and picked me up like a baby. What the hell is happening?!

Kaoru took me and sat me in a high chair. "What are you doing?" I asked.

"Y/n, what are you taking about?" I looked very confused.

"You're ours now, Y/n and we'll never let you go." Hikaru have me a yandere looking expression.
"Now say 'Aaahhhhh'." He held some celery up to my face. No. Anything. Anything but celery.


Dream over:

I woke up with sweat on my body. That was a weird ass dream.
*shivers* Celery.

Anything but celery

A/n: This chapter was going to be extended, but I couldn't finish it in time and wanted something for you guys to read. I don't know when I'll be updating, cause I have a field trip tomorrow and my mom didn't sign the paper yet, and I accidentally told my history teacher that I was on my period (I'm not btw) and someone (not saying names) threw my friend's bookbag out the window on the 3rd floor cause he was sitting in my seat. So, umm...weird day.

Stay Kawaii,
Saji Chan

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