Chapter 19- Bullets

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4k reads?! I'm not a good author so why!? OMFG I love you guysss!!~  So as I promised, I'm here to update so yah. XD I'm making another MidoTaka one shot but I swear it'll be better this time. I was just started writing at my first MidoTaka oneshot and I re-read it and it was horrible e_e I might edit that one so keep in touch guys! Okay, so here's the story~

Normal POV

It was around 11:30 that night and the two lovers are walking down the park to have some chat and fresh air. They wanted to talk about a lot of things when they were separated and what happened to the blonde when he went to the Philippines. He is still communicating with Nathalie and Kerby and he was happy with his life now. He got his job back, his scars healed and he got everything back and most of all, Kuroko.

They sat at the bench and drink some vanilla milkshakes and burgers. It was like a midnight snack or something.. Anyway, they are happy.. Always smiling, laughing, giggling, doing all things they could do.

They say, "You only live once" but that's not true. "You live everyday and die only once" That's what they believe and they are spending that 'everyday' before they die. Hoping that they wouldn't. They want to be together, forever. That's all they wanted.. At that night, they never know what will happen but something felt so wrong. The atmosphere became heavy and they didn't know why. "I feel a little bit weird, Kurokocchi.." The blonde said, "I can feel it too, Kise-kun.. What could it be?" The teal-haired teen wondered as well. Until, the saw a hint of color red at the corner of their eyes.

Azuma Toicchi's POV (You aren't expecting for this one eh? 😂)

Akashi Seiyuu, is my.. I don't know what to call him but.. I'm sleeping with him for a year now. I know that I'm married and have my own child but it wasn't enough. I want fun. Call me a whore or a slut and I don't even care! I love what I do and that's all matters. I kinda want to sleep with his son too which is Akashi Seijurou but what can I do? He's young. I'll just wait for him to grow up and it'll all be perfect. That blue haired family is so lame except my daughter of course~ to be honest I want to have a divorce cause he's not fun anymore.

One day, Seijurou asked me about guns which I'm expert about. He asked me about a pistol and I don't know why. But maybe it's just for something not important. Maybe just some knowledge cause I know Seijurou won't kill or shoot anyone.

Not sure but let just leave it. But right now, I'm happy with Seiyuu. In fact we are just about to do it.

Back to normal POV to Kise and Kuroko

"A..Akashi.." The we're both surprised. They thought they won't be disturbed by Akashi anymore but they we're completely wrong. What frightens them more is that Akashi is holding a pistol. Fuck, a pistol. They both are shaking. "Tetsuya..please.. Be mine.. Choose me.." Akashi pointed the gun in his temple. The two is so shocked that they can't move. Kuroko tried to speak, "Akashi-kun..I..please..stop.." Tears are starting to trickle down Kuroko's cheek. He didn't want this..he never did.. "CHOOSE!" The red-haired shouted, making them flinch. "I.." He stuttered. "I'm..sorry.. Akashi-kun.. But..I can't trust you..anymore.." He continued. Wait, wrong idea.. Akashi now pointed his gun to the trembling..blonde. "Do you choose him over me?!"

Kuroko gasps, "A-Akashi-kun!!.. S..stop!!" He covered his mouth and still crying non-stop. He looked at Kise worriedly which the blonde looked back at him. Kise smiled which makes Kuroko more sad, scared, and worried. "I love you, Kurokocchi~"


"KISE-KUN!!" He screamed and quickly ran to the blonde's side. Akashi hit him exactly in the chest. "No..Kise-kun.." It's so painful, so cruel.

"Stay with me, Kise-kun.. PLEASE!" Kuroko held his hand tightly, waiting for a reply. His eyes are swollen and he won't stop crying. Kise just smiled faintly at him. "" His heartbeat is slowing down and his breaths are short. "I love you too Kise-kun so stay alive!!"

Gone. Kise is gone.

"Ki...Kise-k..kun.. No.. no.." Kuroko trembled so hard he couldn't believe it. They were supposed to be happy..

"Goodbye, Tetsuya.."


Before he knew it, Kuroko got shot, too. But this time, in the head. He feel lightheaded and dizzy. His eyes wide, blood flowing out. He glanced at the smiling red-haired teen before he collapsed and his heart stopped beating as well.

Akashi laughed and stared at the two unconscious body laying on the cold cement with pool of blood over them. "That's what you get! I am absolute!" He laughed again and he pointed the gun to his temples, "Too bad, Tetsuya.. We'll see each other again, am I right?!" And with that, he pulled the trigger making him collapse on the floor as well.

Absolutely right, they'll see each other again. It's either in heaven or in hell.


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