Chapter Twenty Eight

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Thea's POV


My world span.

My vision blurred.

I couldn't see anything.




Red smeared across the windscreen.

Broken glass cutting my skin.

A ragged seatbelt digging it into my neck.

A feeling tightness.

The walls closing in.

The light.

I can see it.

So tired.

I want to sleep.

Big hands pulling me free.

Dragging me away.

Clutching my face.

Begging me to stay.

Pleading for me to stay awake.


Don't leave me.


Stay with me.

Don't go.

You're safe.

Don't leave.

Stay with me.


I love you.



Parker's POV

No one was really speaking.

They weren't really talking. They were sighing. Shaking their heads.Pacing around the room. Shooting worried glances at each other but mostly at me. They were waiting. Just like me.

I didn't really acknowledge anyone.

They came up to me.

Every single one.

Asking questions.

Looking for answers.

But I never spoke.

I sat.

Shaking my head.


Someone else could explain.

And someone always did.

The seat was uncomfortable.Stiff. Not like it mattered. I just sat still. Staring. Staring at nothing on the wall. My skin was on fire. Irritated from all the blood.

None of it mine...


Thea's POV

I can't see anything.

I can hear but I can't see.

Their were people shouting.

So close.

Like they were on top of me.

My throat is raw.

I couldn't speak.

I couldn't even breathe.

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