Chp. 3 - Senior Year

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I turned the car into the driveway, staring at the house it seemed so unfamiliar after spending the entire summer away. It's three storey structure loomed over me like it was shadowing me in disappointment,  my parents didn't understand why I rejected my mate and why I decided to go away all summer, they didn't even know where I was.

I still haven't said a word to Amber, I can't blame her for choosing Holden as her first, I mean he is gorgeous and she didn't know he was my mate, but that fact that she chose to loose it before her mate could was shunned and some people have even rejected their mates over it. It's reserved for their wolves, to bond and connect as one, the first time though it sucks and hurts, is a time of giving yourself to your mate, entirely and completely and she just gave it away to a player of the man whore kind. That is something not easily forgiven. 

My mother came running out the door, her blonde hair flowing behind her as she gracefully bound down the steps of our house to my car. Jumping out I allowed her to throw me into one of the biggest hugs i've ever had, 

"Thank God you're alright. You had me and your father worried sick" she yelled, pulling back so I could see the panic in her eyes, "You couldn't have called, texted, written?" I wanted to answer her, but I couldn't, the truth was I didn't want to talk to them, any of them. She sighed knowing I wasn't going to answer, and just grabbed my hand leading me towards the house, 

"You're father is at work and Amber has already left for school, so I suggest you grab a coffee and get going" I could tell she was trying to hold in the tears, though I never talked to her over the Summer she tried to call and texted like a thousand times every day just to keep me up to speed on everything that had been happening. Which wasn't much. 

After changing and grabbing a travel mug from mom, it wasn't long before I was at school, probably well into second period by now. I knew I had to face him, face everybody, was I ready? I had no idea. But over the summer I had met people, people who helped me sort out my life and what I was going to do once I got back here, I just hope that all this preparation will pay off. I had on my ripped blue jeans, high heeled semi-opened toe black shoes, a white strapless shirt and black leather jacket. My dark hair out and flowing down my back I walked into the empty hallways and headed straight for the office.

"Lily, how are you dear?" Mrs Heath is a werewolf in our pack and of course she knows every thing that happens in our pack, maybe even more than the Alpha, which will be Holden soon enough. 

"Fine, Mrs Heath, I'm just here for my detention slip" no doubt Mr Ruben put one on hold for me, 

"Detention doesn't start for another two weeks. Mr Ruben has waved tardy detentions for a while, because of..." she didn't say it but I could see it in her eyes, because of me. 

My plan was to hide in the bathroom until third period, not wanting to walk in on a class that is mainly filled with werewolves, who will either have smirks or looks of pity. Looking myself in the mirror all I saw was a pathetic girl who was still mopeing about even after a three month seperation from her mate. I broke it off with him, I shouldn't be the one mopeing, he should. Shaking the sillyness out of my head I hardened my eyes and filled my mind with images of him and my sister, the hatred I once felt for him was returning, I am not going to get sucked back into him. The seperation is complete, three months since I rejected him, the connection is still there but hopefully his and my wolves have detached themselves from the idea of us being mates and will allow me to look him straight in the eyes without having to feel her doing sommersaults in my stomach. 

The bathroom door opened and staring at me through the mirror was Amber, her hair still golden, her clothes a bit sluttier then I remember, I guess losing her virginity to Holden made her think that she could get any guy she wants. I knew I shouldn't be thinking these things about her, she is my sister but what she did is not easily forgotten or forgiven. 

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