Chp. 10 - Love Triangle

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It's been two weeks since my encounter with Mr Simmons. the adults are back from their pack meetings and have been a little on edge. I haven't told anybody about what I suspect Mr Simmons to be and I haven't told them that he knew about our existence, he wouldn't be the first person to figure it out. But those that do end up disappearing one why or another and I couldn't do that to Taylor or his sister. I knew I had to keep an eye out for them if what I suspected, is true, then my pack is in danger and Taylor is too, because they'll use him to get to his father, but if Taylor is a hunter as well then we've all been played. 

Only Taylor hasn't come to school, rumors are he dropped out, I believed them, everyone was looking to me for an explaination because I was closest to him but not even I had an answer for their questions. 

It was getting easier between me and Holden, we were still linked but we didn't hate each other like before, we were talking and had movie nights, sometimes we'd go out for dinner and it was like we were starting all over again. Except I had the added problem of falling for his best friend and Kyle's conspicous advances, he also had Lola, Brookelyn, Rain and Helena falling all over him where ever he went and I have to admit I do get jealous. 

He's resorting to his bachelor status again and with that comes to the meaningless sex he has with other women, it's not regularly like it once was, but I get it, he has needs, his wolf has needs but it still got on my nerves. 

"Here by yourself?" I turned around to see Kyle, 

"How did you know about this place?" shocked filled my voice, before it was mine and Holdens and now it seems like everybody knows about it. 

"I was running one day, it was the same day we moved in, I hated the house, I hated the wolves in it, all because I would never be one of them. I ran far out of the way and stumbled upon this place, I thought it was my secret place, until I saw you here a few weeks ago, it was the first day you got back, you ditched school. I came here to clear my head and saw you laying in the grass, so I turned and left, figured you had a reason to be out here by yourself" he moved beside me and spread himself out so we looked like a star fish in the grass. I decided to lie down too, 

"Why didn't you come say hi?" I asked, 

"Because you looked upset. You looked like you wanted to be left alone" I sighed and rolled onto my side, facing him, 

"You know, you're not so bad, you just got to get used to you" he laughed, 

"I thought I was desirable" he joked, rolling so he faced me, 

"I wouldn't go that far" I amused him, 

"So, you and Holden, are you guys really over?" he asked in all seriousness, 

"We're at a cross roads, you know where you have so many choices and you're just stuck?" he nodded, "You stand in the middle so long you start to lose your way and you have to choose, well we chose the road of friendship. For now, who knows sometime down the line we might see each other at the cross roads again and we might to decide on a new course if this one doesn't work out" rolling onto his back Kyle let out a sigh and we lay there for a few moments, 

"So you're like on a break?" I smiled, 

"Yes, something like that". 

"So you can see other people, DO other people" I burst out in laughter at how ironic he was being, 

"Technically yes, we can Do other people, Holden's been Doing other girls" I said and was surprised at the small pang that appeared in my gut, 

"Are you ok with that?" he asked, 

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